forty three.

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Taehyung could feel himself freezing only a few feet away from the door, hand stretched out ready to open it before gulping harshly.

He could hear him.

His loud and heavy breathing just behind the door, familiar scent making his entire body erupt in goosebumps as he exhaled shakily.

Another loud bang on the door startled Taehyung out of his thoughts as he jumped in surprise at the sudden noise.

The thought of how Jeongguk could possibly know he was there crossed his mind, realizing he truly didn't care.

Not when it felt more like a relief to know he was just a few steps away, within reach of him.

His wolf was practically going crazy at having its mate so close to him once again, making him shake his head in order to focus.

Just when Jeongguk was about to quite literally kick the door down, Taehyung was shakily reaching for the knob and turning it ever so slightly.


The second his eyes met warm brown ones, he could not find it within himself to look away.

He could feel Jeongguk's body heat radiating off of him as he stared at him, long lashes blinking back at him.

There was a fire in the pit of his stomach, something terrifyingly heavy settling within him at the sight of Jeongguk so close.

He was afraid his heart would burst out of his chest as he listened to the way Jeongguk's beat the same if not faster.

His gaze was intense, not once breaking eye contact with Taehyung before he started slowly stepping closer.

Almost instinctively the omega stepped back, allowing Jeongguk room to step into Hoseok's home.

"D-Don't." Taehyung found himself speaking, voice pathetically croaky.

Jeongguk seemed to freeze in his step, a flash of hurt in his eyes before he exhaled loudly.

"Is that really what you want?" He asked, body stiff like he was holding his breath.

"Because there's really no point if you have already made up your mind." He said monotonously, eyes darting around Hoseok's home with a glare as the other alpha's scent was everywhere.

He was going to respect whatever decision Taehyung made even if it hurt him like hell because Taehyung's happiness was his priority.

His words felt like a direct jab to the heart, making his eyes sting and fill with tears as he pathetically sniffled.

"What are you talking about?" Taehyung croaked out, confusion laced in his voice.

"I'm talking about you coming here to get away from me." Jeongguk explained, face void of all emotion.

Taehyung blinked back at him for a moment before his brain finally registered what Jeongguk was suggesting, nose scrunched up in distaste.

"I don't know what crazy rumor you heard now but it's nothing like what you're thinking." 

Taehyung's tone wasn't desperate for Jeongguk to believe him, more like informing him facts and letting him decide whether he would take his word for it or not.

He sounded confident, voice never wavering as he tiredly blinked back at him.

"It's not?" Jeongguk said softly, daringly taking a step closer as Taehyung naturally held his breath from being so close.

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