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Taehyung was rushing to brush away his tears once there was another knock on the door a few minutes later.

He sniffled loudly as he rubbed his eyes and clutched the bag in his hands tighter.

The sound of the door opening and closing filled his ears as he stared at the floor.

He could feel her powerful presence before him as he waited for her to address him.

"My apologies for keeping you waiting." Her voice was velvety yet strong.

Taehyung sniffled lightly before replying, It's not a problem your majesty." 

At the sound of his voice and the way it cracked, the queen knew he had been shedding tears before her arrival.

A frown was placed upon her lips as she stepped closer to where Taehyung was standing awkwardly.

Taehyung's breathing hitched when a warm hand touched his chin, forcing him to look up.

He did not know if it was a trap to see if he would fall for it and look her in the eye so he opted for closing his eyes shut instead.

She smiled lightly as she saw the dried tears on his cheeks, eyelids swollen.

Taehyung's hands around the bag of clothes tightened, fearful of what she was doing.

"You may open your eyes." She spoke, watching as Taehyung hesitantly did so.

It felt wrong, to look at the queen's face.

It would be seen as a challenge to others, the ultimate disrespect from an omega like himself.

But he also couldn't go against her word and she was telling him to do so.

The hand on his chin was gentle, almost like a mother's touch and for a second Taehyung forgot who was in front of him.

She was beautiful.

Despite her age she appeared youthful and her eyes reminded him of the prince's.

He let out a soft gasp as a small smile rose onto her lips before she was letting go of his chin.

"There is no need to be afraid." She spoke slowly, voice steady and calming as Taehyung sniffled lightly.

"How about we take a seat?" She began to walk over to Jeongguk's bed.

Taehyung was still standing there stiffly as she took a seat and motioned him over.

When he hesitantly took a seat beside her, she was speaking up.

"I'm sure it has been a long day for you so I won't take too much of your time."

Taehyung jumped lightly when a hand landed on top of his on his lap.

He looked up to meet her eyes, watching as she opened her mouth to speak again.

"You will sleep here tonight in my son's bedroom. Do not worry about him, he will stay in another room for now." She explained when she saw his face pale.

Relief filled his body at the realization that Jeongguk would not be sleeping in the same room as him.

He wanted to offer to take the guest room instead but she was already speaking up before he could.

"You are his future mate therefore you will remain here as a sign of respect for you as an unwed omega." She explained as Taehyung nodded lightly.

"Now later this evening the royal guards will be announcing your mating ceremony to the kingdom that will take place tomorrow evening." She spoke slowly, eyes watching Taehyung who gulped harshly with a blush on his cheeks.

FORCED TO MATE | TAEKOOK ✓Where stories live. Discover now