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Jeongguk's breathing was labored, he could feel the sweat dripping down his forehead as he backed up slightly.

The thick material of the gear was clinging to his body like a second skin, a low growl leaving his lips when his opponent got the upper hand.

He held the foil as his fencing weapon tightly, sheer protective mask over his face.

He managed to block the sword with his own, stepping forward when the male in-front of him stepped back slightly.

They had been at it for a few minutes now, both enjoying the form of combat.

It wasn't until his opponent's sword scrambled to the floor during one of Jeongguk's blocks that he finally won.

He could hear a sound of frustration leave the male in front of him before the mask was gone from his head.

Jeongguk was smirking at his victory as he followed suit, shaking his sweaty hair with his hands as he placed the mask under his arm and dropped the foil.

"Give up Jimin, I always win." Jeongguk smirked cockily, watching as his cousin glared up at him before wiping the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

Despite being an omega, Jimin was a tough fighter. 

He had moved in to the palace after his parents (the queen's sister) had passed away after their carriage flipped over a cliff on their way back from a trip many years ago when the boy was still a mere pup.

He was only a year younger than Jeongguk therefore he grew very close with his alpha cousin, learning how to fight and defend himself even as the omega he was.

"I won last time!" The omega argued, picking up both swords and going to place them back where they had gotten them from.

"That was because I let you win!" The alpha argued back, right before the tall door to the combat room opened.

Immediately Jimin turned to the door, bowing lightly when he realized who it was.

"Good afternoon aunt." He greeted as the queen made her way close to them, aura around her elegant.

She offered her nephew a small smile before speaking, "Good afternoon, Jimin. Do you mind if I have a word with Jeongguk?"

The future alpha king couldn't help growing annoyed that the woman was acting as if he was not in the room.

It troubled him because he knew exactly what she wanted to talk about and he really wasn't in the mood.

He let out a loud sigh as he ran a hand through his sweaty hair and watched as Jimin bowed again before turning to Jeongguk one last time.

He gave him a look of encouragement, giving his cousin a warning and reminder to remain calm.

His footsteps grew further away until the door opened and closed behind him, leaving Jeongguk alone with his mother.

Almost immediately she was speaking, "Why did you make the maids take the boy's things out of your room?"

Jeongguk scoffed at her words, running his tongue over the inside of his cheek.

He recalled how the maids had entered his room with loads of brand new clothes, claiming that the queen had ordered them for the arrival of his future mate.

"Because he's not sleeping in my room mother." He spoke like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

The queen was growing upset herself, tired of her son's constant disagreement.

FORCED TO MATE | TAEKOOK ✓Where stories live. Discover now