twenty one.

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Jeongguk had been walking back to the bedroom when he saw his mother exiting the door, quickly hiding behind a wall until she was gone from sight.

His brows furrowed in confusion, not recalling her mentioning that she would visit Taehyung today.

He practically sped walked down the hall towards the bedroom, opening the door quickly only to find Taehyung sitting by the vanity lost in thought.

He quickly turned around to face Jeongguk, surprise clear as day in his eyes as the alpha approached him.

"You're back." He smiled weakly but Jeongguk could see that he was worried about something.

What had his mother said to him?

The thought of her saying something to make his omega look that upset was beginning to make him angry, fists clenched tightly at the thought.

"What did my mother want?" Jeongguk asked instead, getting straight to the point.

Instantly Taehyung's happy face fell and he was left looking anxious and slightly embarrassed.

Jeongguk tried to block out the stressed pheromones Taehyung was releasing, recognizing that it was messing with his head.

His wolf was screaming at him to fix it, make him happy again.

"What is it?" Jeongguk pressed further when Taehyung tried to look away, clearly flustered about something.

"She wanted to know if I was feeling alright." He said softly.

Jeongguk's face was contorted in confusion as he eyed Taehyung from head to toe, wondering if it had anything to do with why he had been crying earlier.

Maybe he was hurt and refused to tell Jeongguk.

"Well are you alright? Do you feel ill?" He asked him, not getting the point.

"Yes but-... S-She wanted to know i-if..." He trailed off, cheeks a dark shade of red as he avoided eye contact with Jeongguk.

"If what?" The alpha was beginning to grow annoyed with Taehyung's reluctance to tell him.

"If I was carrying pups." He whispered softly, eyes moistening at his own words.

Because deep down he wished he was.

He would not mind in the slightest if it was with Jeongguk, heart swelling at the mere thought of it.

The alpha stayed silent for God knows how long, tension filled the air as Taehyung stared at the floor without another word.

"I'll have a word with her." He said finally.

Taehyung nodded lightly before Jeongguk let out a tired sigh and walked over to the bed.

Taehyung blushed when he realized he was removing his button up shirt, quickly moving his gaze away before he did something embarrassing like whimper.

A few seconds later Jeongguk was changed in more comfortable clothes, plopping down on the bed and opening his book up to where he left off.

He leaned back against the headboard with an arm behind his head, prompting Taehyung to walk over to the bed and slowly slid in beside him.

"The spine is really pretty." Taehyung mumbled as he eyed the golden sparkles along the side of the book.

It was clearly falling apart but it was stunning, like nothing Taehyung had seen before at the bookstore in the village.

They were all ordinary-colored hardcovers, smeared stains all over the poor thing but Taehyung never minded.

Jeongguk stopped reading as he turned the book over to stare at the hardcover, brows furrowed in confusion as he realized what Taehyung was talking about.

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