twenty eight.

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Waking up in his alpha's arms was a completely different type of feeling.

Taehyung subconsciously smiled as he sleepily looked up at Jeongguk who was already awake.

The omega was pressed up against his chest, nose brushing against Jeongguk's jaw as he looked up at him.

There was a hand lazily drawing circles onto the exposed skin of his hip, tingles shooting up his body.

The omega lightly pressed his palm flat against Jeongguk's chest before nuzzling against his jaw.

Almost immediately Jeongguk was looking down at him, warm chocolate brown eyes on him.

"Good morning," Taehyung mumbled sleepily as Jeongguk reached out to brush a strand of hair out of his eyes.

There was a pout on Taehyung's lips that seemed permanent, nose following Jeongguk's jaw as he purposely moved away with an amused look on his face.

In frustration he fisted the front of Jeongguk's t-shirt to pull him closer, small huff leaving his lips when Jeongguk stifled a laugh.

"Please," he whined softly until his nose touched Jeongguk's neck, sigh of content leaving his lips.

He smelled so good and masculine, scent filling his nose as he shut his eyes briefly.

He could feel as Jeongguk's chest rose and fell, nearly lulled back to sleep by the hand caressing his back lightly.

"Pup," he murmured as he gently pulled Taehyung away from his neck.

The omega's eyes were abnormally big and round, innocently peering up at him.

"I-I just wanna scent you..." Taehyung mumbled softly, huffing softly when Jeongguk's hand cupped his cheek.

Almost immediately he was rendered silent by the feeling of Jeongguk's rough lips on his, head tilting lightly to kiss him better.

It was gentle, Jeongguk molding their lips together momentarily before trying to pull away.

"That's enough," he muttered lightly when Taehyung pouted and chased his lips.

He huffed as he rested his head against Jeongguk's chest in defeat, the alpha's nose in his hair.

The moment was short lived by a soft knock on the door before Seokjin was poking his head in.

The drapes on the canopy bed were pulled aside to each corner therefore Seokjin was able to see the mates' compromising position.

He immediately stopped in his step before, "Oh- I apologize your majesty." 

He hurried to step back with the cart of breakfast before Jeongguk was sitting up better with Taehyung attached to his chest.

"No, it's fine, please continue." Jeongguk spoke as he held Taehyung's hip.

Seokjin awkwardly bowed before setting the cart down by their bed and sneaking a glance at Taehyung.

He was blinking sleepily at the food as he curled up into a ball against Jeongguk's chest, palms flat on the alpha's chest.

He had on some fluffy pajamas that made Seokjin discreetly smile at how comfortable Taehyung looked in his mate's arms.

He hoped the omega could remain that content.


Unfortunately for Taehyung, the rest of his day did not go as he had planned.

Jeongguk had stated he had to go help his father with some business, making Taehyung whimper sadly as he began to get ready right after breakfast.

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