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That night came and went uneventful, the moment in the stables forgotten and both mates stuck to their side of the bed.

Taehyung had fallen asleep on his back, sheets pulled up to his neck as Jeongguk turned on his side facing the opposite way.

Neither of them really spoke after getting back to the room, simply walked around each other until nightfall came.

The following morning however, was slightly different.

Seokjin had woken both of them up with a soft knock on the door like he had done every morning.

Only this time Jeongguk was still fast asleep beside Taehyung.

Jeongguk woke up groggily at the sound and looked up as the door slowly opened to reveal Seokjin wheeling in a cart full of food.

He rubbed his eyes tiredly as he looked to the side only to find Taehyung still asleep with his lips slightly parted, soft snores leaving his lips.

Seokjin had yet to notice Jeongguk, nonchalant look on his face as he finished wheeling in the cart and turned towards the canopy bed.

He pulled back the long drapes from the foot of the bed before quite literally jumping back at the sight of the king staring back at him.

A look of surprise overtook his face before he was quickly composing himself and bowing a few times.

"Good morning alpha, I apologize for entering without permission." Seokjin explained, knowing that Taehyung would not care that he came in without asking first.

"It's fine." Jeongguk's voice was huskier than usual, causing him to clear his throat lightly.

The food was more than enough for two people, Seokjin's way of encouraging Taehyung to eat more.

Therefore, he quietly excused himself once he eyed Taehyung's sleeping form, excitement bubbling inside of him because he looked fine despite Jeongguk's presence.

Not to mention he smelled like the alpha. 

Meanwhile Jeongguk was staring at Taehyung, trying to find a way to wake him up.

He had not even realized he had gotten closer, inspecting the omega's face intensely.

The way his lashes fluttered against the apples of his cheeks and the pretty moles on his face that looked like they were meticulously placed.

The way his chest rose and fell softly with every breath and his slim fingers clutched the sheets tightly as he slept.

He looked so beautiful.

Jeongguk didn't realize the exact moment his fingertips began to inch towards Taehyung's cheek, caressing the smooth skin beneath his own.

Taehyung did not move for a few seconds until suddenly his eyes fluttered open, causing Jeongguk to break out of his trance and move back as if he had been burned.

Taehyung looked awfully confused and sleepy as he blinked tiredly and let out the softest yawn, closely resembling a tiny kitten.

And for the second time that morning, someone was surprised to see Jeongguk still lying beside him.

"Oh- Hi." Taehyung said excitedly with a smile, seconds before his eyes widened once he realized what he had said.

"I-I meant good morning alpha." He stuttered quickly, trying to make up for his words as his cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

But Jeongguk simply brushed off his words completely even if it was definitely amusing.

"Your handmaiden has brought you breakfast." Jeongguk explained as he watched Taehyung begin to sit up on the bed.

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