Chapter 7- Meeting RDJ

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You and Tom arrived at work at around 1pm, and were greeted by Scarlett and Chris who also carpooled with each other. You gathered that Scarlett and Chris must have had that talk and spent the night with each other.

You grabbed your bag out of Tom's car. "See you later darling." You kissed him goodbye and made your way to the set with Scarlett, as you both had to go over your lines before you filmed your scene together.

*Tom's POV*

Y/n kissed Tom goodbye and then continued to walk to set with Scarlett. Chris started playfighting with him in excitement.

"Ayeeeee you've reached pet name status." He teased.

Tom pushed him back. "Oh knock it off, will you." He began to laugh. "Anyways are you going to tell me what's going on between you and Scarlett?"

"Got nothing to say at the moment bro. We spoke yesterday and we both decided to go on a few more dates to see we still like each other." Tom nodded at him.

"So you're just going with the flow?" He asked.

"Indeed, we are. Anyways, how are things between you and Butterfly?"

"Butterfly?" Tom looked confused.

"Oh, she hasn't told you yet? Well 'Butterfly' is just a nickname her mother called her every time she got angry as a child, so I started to call her it just to annoy her. I don't recommend calling her it though, you may end up being hit or something." He laughed at the end of the sentence.

He chuckled lightly. "Noted. Thanks Chris."

Tom and Chris continued to walk to hair and make-up. There was a scene that had both of you in it, which was perfect as  it also had your characters as best friends. Since him and Chris are best friends in real life, you knew for a fact that your chemistry with each other was going to be on full display.

*Y/n's POV*

You and Scarlett made your way to set, no time for pleasantries.

"Soooo, how are things with you and Chris?" You asked her eagerly.

"Yeah, they are going good. We both like each other but we aren't going to start dating yet just in case something happens. We are going to wait about a month and see if anything changes. If not, we will do something about it."

"Ooooo, this is so exciting. My best friend is dating my 'boyfriends' best friend." You didn't know what to call Tom so you put the word 'boyfriend' in air quotations when speaking to Scarlett. You figured you and Tom could talk about what's going on between you two after a couple more dates with him.

A couple minutes have passed and you and Scarlett made your way onto set. You both saw Chris and Tom on set, as it turns out they weren't needed in hair and makeup. You and Scarlett decided to split up and go stand next to the men you have both been supposedly dating.

You walked over to Tom and stood with him, he wrapped his arms around your waist and he rested his head on top of yours. You tried to pull away but Tom wouldn't let you. Scarlett and Chris were doing the same thing but practically everyone knew something was going on between them, but only Chris and Scarlett knew about you two.

"Tom, everyone will see us!" You said in a concerned tone.

"And? Let them see. I want everyone to know that the most beautiful girl in the room belongs to me." He whispered in your ear.

You felt honoured by the fact that Tom didn't care what people thought about you two. You lifted your head up and gave him your puppy dog eyes and smiled. He kissed you on the forehead in return.

"See? I told you the chemistry between Tom and Y/n was real and not just an act." Kevin said to Jon. "That's £10 you owe me."

Jon Favreau alongside Kevin Feige were the two directors of this film. Even though it was more a romance film than an action film, Jon and Kevin decided to cast some of Marvel's best actors and cast them in a new upcoming film, 'Turning Pages'. It was about two high school lovers who decided to break up before college, but found each other again later on in life. It turns out that Tom's character never got over Y/n's character and tried everything in his power to win her back.

Everyone on set was talking as no one had any idea on why they had all been called to set. They weren't celebrating the halfway mark of filming and they most certainly weren't filming the last scene, so everyone was confused as to why they were all there.

A couple of minutes later Robert Downey Jr made his entrance on set. So you were all called there to greet him, as it was his first day and he just loved to make an entrance. You and Robert already knew each other from one of the earlier films you starred in at the beginning of your career and of course everyone else knew him as Marvel's Iron man.

Robert was going to be playing your character's husband but the audience wouldn't meet him until later on in the film, that's why he arrived on set a week and a half after everyone else.

You all made your greetings to Robert and reminisced about old times, then made your way back to where you were needed. Tom, Chris and Scarlett were all needed in hair and makeup, while you and Robert were needed on set to go over your lines before filming your first scene together.

You and Robert have co-starred in a film together before and you remember it being hilarious the whole time, but you also remember that time he got a bit too drunk and tried to kiss you at the end of filming party he had thrown. You just hoped he hadn't remembered what happened as that was the last time you saw each other. You walked over to Robert and gave him a hug and exchanged pleasantries as well, while talking he said something to you.

"Y/n I know this was a long time ago, but I just wanted to apologise for my behaviour that night at the party. I'm sorry for trying to kiss you at my party. I got a bit too drunk and carried away." He said sincerely. You could tell by the look in his eyes that he deeply regretted his actions.

"It's ancient history, don't worry about it. We all make mistakes, we just have to learn from them." You told him. You just hoped that if he threw another party, he doesn't try that move again as God knows what Tom would do if he saw Robert trying to kiss you and don't even get started on Chris. Only God knows what Chris would do. He became so protective over you after that scene at the party, but you had a feeling in your stomach that nothing would happen so you just let it go and thought you'd tell Tom about it later just in case anyone else was mistakenly to tell him first.

Before leaving work all the cast had one last scene to film before heading home. You and Tom waited in your trailer to be called onto set. You realised this was the perfect time to tell him about the almost kiss with Robert that happened almost 10 years ago.

You had the discussion and thought it went quite well, Tom didn't seem angry or bothered which you quite liked he just accepted it and moved on but was thankful you decided to tell him.

The whole cast just finished filming the last scene of the day. You said your goodbyes and made your way home with Tom. Since he has already stayed at your house two nights in a row, he decided to spend the night in his own bed as you both looked tired and you both would have loved your king sized beds to yourselves. Tom made it to your apartment, you kissed him goodbye and headed straight for your bedroom.

"See you tomorrow." You said to him. Tom drove off smiling and you walked up the stairs to reach your apartment.

It was about 10pm when you got home, you quickly showered, put on Tom's jumper that he 'accidentally' left at yours, finished your conversations with Chris, Scarlett and Tom, put your head on your pillow and fell asleep for the night.

Word count 1.5k

On set with Tom HiddlestonWhere stories live. Discover now