Chapter 13- Last day on set

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Monday had finally arrived and everyone was back at work. Your double date with Scarlett and Chris went great as well. Today marked the last week of filming and then it will be a wrap, the only reason you would get called back after this would be because a scene needs to be re filmed.

For filming today, your character and Tom's character finally admit their feelings for each other and you break things off with your husband who is played by Robert. Thankfully, you weren't at work for that long as there wasn't that much filming left to do. You left work around 4pm and headed home by yourself as both you and Tom deserved some alone time.

*The last day of filming*

This week had gone so fast you couldn't believe you already finished filming. The last 10 months had been a rollercoaster.

The last scene was to be filmed with you and Tom and of course, it ended on a cliff hanger.

"And, ACTION!"

"I'm so glad we found each other again, Johnathan." You spoke gently to him.

You and Tom held hands and walked across the road that was built on set.

"Me too Jed, I can't believe we found..."

A car came crashing towards you and Tom and the scene ends with a black screen and sirens going off.

"And CUT!" Kevin yelled for the final time.

Everyone clapped as filming was finally finished and you were all so happy with what you've all accomplished. Tom spun you around and kissed you in celebration for the end of filming.

Everyone thanked and congratulated each other and spoke on how it was a pleasure working with everyone. Finally, once all of that was done, it was time for everyone to go home and get ready for Robert's end of filming party.

You kissed Tom goodbye and hugged Chris and Scarlett and headed to your apartment to get ready for tonight.

*Back at your apartment*

Once again you had thrown all your clothes on the floor not knowing what to wear, eventually you found a little black dress. You slipped into it, did your hair and makeup and then made your way to the party to meet the others.

*The party*

All four of you decided to travel separately then hire a car for the four of you to get home. You arrived at the party and met Tom outside.

He greeted you with a kiss as he said "You look gorgeous tonight, my love,"

You blushed slightly. "Why thank you Tom, you didn't scrub up too badly yourself" You giggled to yourself as you told him.

"Chris and Scarlett are already inside, by the bar I think." Tom told you.

"Of course they are" You laughed.

You and Tom made your way over to the bar and greeted your two friends.

"Can you believe this is finally all over?" Scarlett asked.

"I know, it's crazy," Tom replied.

"Just think 10 months ago we were all just friends, now look at us." You all laughed.

A few hours had passed since you entered the party. Everyone was either very drunk or at least very tipsy. Everyone was dancing, talking, laughing, taking pictures. It was definitely a night to remember. Like the party Robert threw last time, he requested to play slow music so everyone and their partners could dance together.

Tom reached out his hand for yours, "May I have this dance?" He asked whilst kissing your hand.

"Well of course you may," You said in return as you curtsied in front of him.

Dancing with Tom was so amazing, the way he held you made you feel so safe and the warmth from him made it even better. Dancing with him felt so right, like you were made for each other. He treated you like his queen and that's what you loved about him, the way he cares for you so much, the way he would drop anything just to be with you. He is amazing and you loved him, but no amount of words truly articulate your feelings for him, you were just so lucky to have him.

After the dance with Tom, you saw Robert sitting in the outside bar alone and figured you would keep him company.

"I'm just going to go and talk to Robert for a bit,'" You told Tom.

He nodded

"I'll be outside if you need me" You walked away and proceeded to make your way to Robert.

Since you have already said hello to him tonight, you thought you might thank him for being a co-star in your film and tell him how much of a pleasure it is to work alongside him.

"You know Robert, even though I'm half your age you are still fun to work with," You began to tell him.

"Why thank you y/n and I must say, how amazing you look tonight as well" He replied.

You smiled at him "Why thank you." He smiled in return. "Can you believe that it's been 10 years since the first time we met? I can't believe it's been that long, time really flies." You said in amazement, thinking about all the memories you had made since then.

"I know, time really does fly by when you're having fun, it only feels like yesterday that you were playing my wife in 'Doctor Do-Little'"

The last time you saw each other was that night of 'that party' when he tried to kiss you. You believed he only did it as you made the chemistry in the film feel real, almost so that he believed it. Come to think of it, you were always really good at making film romances work, your chemistry with any co-star could be amazing if you put your mind to it.

"Yeah, It's so crazy". You responded.

"Y/n, I don't think you realise just how much of a fine young lady you have turned into" He took a pause, looked at you and went in for a kiss.

You tried to pull away. You couldn't believe this was happening again.

"Robert stop!, we are not doing this. Again!" You felt betrayed that he would try that again, especially after (what you thought was) his sincere apology.

But when you heard a glass shatter on the floor, you turned around to see Tom standing there, he had tears in his eyes.

"Oh my god. Tom. How long have you been there for?" You asked.

He ignored you and walked away. You ran after him.

"Tom. Wait!"

Word count 1.1k

On set with Tom HiddlestonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz