Chapter 10- The talk show

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It was the last day of your three day weekend, and you and Tom had an interview with Jimmy Fallon to talk about your new film. You both dressed nicely. Tom wore a beige suit and you wore a beige tartan dress.

You arrived on set early so you had time to catch up with Jimmy and go over some of the questions he will be asking you. Afterwards, you headed to hair and makeup to get some things adjusted and then you were given a mic and waited to be called out on stage.

*The interview*

"Ladies and gentlemen, making his appearance on my show for the 5th time, we have Tom Hiddleston everybody!" The audience clapped as Tom walked out on stage.

"And making her appearance for the 3rd time, we have y/n-y/l/n" You walked out on stage and made your way to the couch where Tom was sitting, hearing the audience clap as walked across the stage.

The show began with pleasantries and Jimmy asking if you have gotten up to anything interesting since the last time they met. Of course you and Tom answered all the questions and had some laughs along the way.

"So you guys are here to promote your new romance film, y/n what can you tell us about this film?" Jimmy asked you.

"Well, it's a romance film about two high school lovers who lost touch after graduation, but they managed to find each other again after many years." You looked at Tom to make sure that you didn't miss any information out.

"It's also about rekindling old relationships and making new ones." Tom added.

"So the movie is being released in February just in time for valentine's day and I've heard that you and y/n are love interests in the film, is that true?" Jimmy asked Tom.

"Yes, yes we are." He chuckled, he almost knew what question was about to be asked next,

"And y/n, what's it like working alongside Tom being his love interest?" Jimmy asked you. Tom looked quite relieved that he didn't mention the fact that you two were dating.

"It's very interesting working with Tom. I think in the film we make a good dynamic. Kevin Fiege and Jon Favreau also believe that we have good on screen chemistry with each other which I believe is what makes our couple work." You answered.

Jimmy now looking at both of you asked. "So do you think we might get a sequel to this, or is it just a one off film?"

"I don't want to reveal too much information because I might spoil it, but one thing I can say is that it ends on a pretty heavy cliff hanger." You replied.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see how well we do in the box office." Tom joked, making the audience chuckle.

You had a quick 5 minute break so you could have a drink of water and clear your throat, but before you knew it you were on air again.

"And welcome back" Jimmy exclaimed as he reintroduced you to the camera again. "Still with me are Y/n and Tom, stars of the new film 'Turning Pages' in Cinema February 4th"

The audience clapped.

"Just a few more questions for you two before you go," Jimmy said. You and Tom both nodded.

"So I'm sure you're aware of the rumours going around about you two dating. Well, this picture was in the headlines Monday morning," Jimmy showed the picture of you two kissing outside of Robert's house the night of the party.

"Is there anything you two would like to say? Are you two actually together?" He questioned.

Tom answered first "There clearly is nothing going on between me and y/n" He said in a sarcastic manner. The audience laughed once again.

"Yes Jimmy, the rumours are true, Y/n and I are dating" He looked at you and held your hand.

The room was filled with the audience's 'Aww's after they had heard the news.

"Y/n have you anything to say on the matter?" Jimmy asked you next.

"Well as Tom said, we are dating each other and have been for the past 3 months, but we decided to keep a low profile and wait to tell the press." You spoke.

"What made you want to date each other? How did this relationship come about?"

"Well we already had that chemistry together in the film, so we decided to go on a few dates. One thing led to another, and here we are today." You mentioned.

"Tom's good looks, wittiness, kindness and humour may have had something to do with it also." You joked. 

"Tom, what about you?" Jimmy said.

"Well the first day I saw y/n on set, it was breath taking. Her acting skills are impeccable and they blew me away"

'That is true' You thought to yourself.

"She is a very beautiful person and is so nice and caring, and any man would be lucky to have her." Tom finished.

"Thank you." You mouthed to Tom.

"Well, I just want to say I'm very happy that these rumours are true and you are in fact together. I'm sure the audience is over the moon to hear this news also" Jimmy began to say.

The audience applauded once more.

"Sadly, though that is all we have time for tonight. Remember 'Turning pages' Starring Tom Hiddleston and y/n-y/l/n airs in theatres February 4th. Thank you so much for coming onto the show!"

"It's always a pleasure Jimmy." Tom said.

"Yes it is, invite us back on soon?" You joked.

"Ladies and gentlemen one more time give yourself a hand to Tom and Y/n"

The audience clapped as you walked off stage.

"I'm Jimmy Fallon, Thank you for joining me and my guest's and I will see you all next week, Goodnight." Jimmy said ending the show.

The audience clapped one last time as the cameras cut and jimmy walked off the stage.

*After the show*

You and Tom headed home but stopped off for a pizza on the way home. In the car, you decided to stay the night at Tom's since you haven't seen his house yet.

Unlike you, Tom had a house in London instead of an apartment like yours.

You decided to go to your apartment first to get some things to stay a few nights and then made your ways to Tom's house.

You arrived at Tom's house at around 11 as the interview with Jimmy finished late. Tom pulled into his driveway and his gate opened to reveal this huge beautiful house.

'All this just for one man' You thought to yourself. You finally understood why Tom was always staying over at yours, he must get so bored sitting home alone with all these rooms and no one to share them with, but maybe one day he would have you to share it all with.

The car stopped and Tom got out of the car and walked round to your side. Opening the door and grabbing your bags for you, he held his hand out offering it to you.

"Shall we go in?" He asked you.

"We shall." You said in return.

You and Tom began to walk up the pathway and reached Tom's house.

You wondered if it was as beautiful on the inside as it was on the outside.

Word count 1.2k

On set with Tom HiddlestonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt