Chapter 25- A late night drive

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You woke up in the middle of the night sweating and crying, you had that nightmare again. Each time you had it, it became more vivid, with more detail being added. You began to panic.

Tom woke up to the sight of you crying into your arms.

"Darling, What's the matter?" He asked concernedly.

You looked up at him, puffy eyes and tears running down your face. "I had that nightmare again." Your voice was shaking.

Tom didn't say anything, he just hugged you and tried to comfort you.

"What if something bad does happen Tom?" You asked, still crying.

"We can't think like that, we just have to hope for the best." He tried to reassure you.

You hugged Tom back, calming down a little.

"I don't know what I would do without you, Tom?"

Tom looked at your saddened face and smiled. You hugged each other in silence. After about five minutes, Tom broke the silence.

"How about we go for a drive and get some food, what are you craving?" He asked

"Doughnuts and cheese burgers." You told him, wiping your tears away.

"Great, we can drive to Krispy Kremes and Burger King." This was Tom's way of cheering you up and so far it was doing the trick. Tom went to the wardrobe and grabbed some joggers and a green hoodie. He gave the hoodie to you to wear and then you proceeded to go to the car.

*The car*

You sat in the car with your head rested up against the window sitting in silence, Tom asked you a question.


You didn't speak but nodded your head. Tom turned the radio on and continued his drive to get you some food. The effects of the nightmare hadn't left your system yet so you were still very tired. The last couple of days have felt so draining and you haven't been sleeping properly either, which didn't make matters any better. Tears began to stream down your face again. Although you tried to stay silent so Tom wouldn't hear you, you still managed to let little sniffles out every now and again. It didn't take long for him to realise you were crying. Once he did, he pulled over to the side of the road, got out the car, opened your door and carried you to the back seat. He sat there with you.

"Y/n, you've been crying for the past twenty minutes and I can't take it anymore, what's going on? I hate seeing you sad." Tom cupped your face and lifted your chin up.

Your eyes were still red and puffy. "I just feel so drained that's all. I've loved these last couple of days, but I'm just so tired and I can't handle it." As you spoke, more tears were building up. Eventually you couldn't hold it in anymore, it was like the floodgates had been opened and you just couldn't stop.

Tom hugged you and didn't say a word. All he wanted was for you to let it all out and be okay. "I know women are meant to be emotional when they are pregnant but I didn't know it was that bad." He joked.

You looked up at him. He instantly realised the magnitude of the mistake made

"Yeah maybe that's why I'm crying. Makes sense actually." You agreed with Tom.

Tom was astonished that you didn't argue back, and that you agreed with him. To be fair, if you disagreed with him he would have been dead in a matter of seconds for that snarky comment.

After letting it all out onto Tom's shoulder, you finally calmed down and perked up a little bit. "Ok, we can go get doughnuts and burgers now." You said to Tom giving him those puppy dog eyes of yours.

"I think I'll hug you for a little while longer." He responded. You looked at him and gave him a death stare. No matter how much you loved Tom's hug you craved doughnuts and burgers more.

"Alright, message received. Doughnuts and burgers it is."

Tom got out of the back seat and began to drive again. This time, you stayed in the back seat laying down so you could have a nap, before going into the front seat Tom placed his coat over you to act as a blanket just in case you got cold. He also turned the heating and heated seats on for you so you were all nice and toasty in the car whilst you slept.

After what felt like an eternity, Tom made it to Krispy Kremes and Burger King. The smell of freshly baked doughnuts woke you up even though you were still tired. You managed to sit yourself up and manoeuvre your way to the front seat to eat the delicious food you had been craving all night. Once you had both finished eating Tom began to drive home, he drove quite far so you had about a 45 minute drive home ahead of you. You wanted to sleep some more , so you grabbed Tom's coat from the back of the car and placed it over yourself. You played some music and fell asleep whilst Tom had the wheel.

You reached home nearly an hour later because apparently there is traffic in London at 4am. You were still sound asleep when you got home and you looked so peaceful. Tom didn't want to wake you so he carried you indoors and up the stairs back to bed, he placed you down and covered you in the duvet, Tom went to the toilet before joining you back in bed. In that time you woke up and sat up in bed waiting for Tom. He slowly crept back into the bedroom when he noticed you were barely awake.

"Y/n, go back to sleep. You're knackered."

"Not without you" You whispered.

You both laid in bed and you cuddled up to Tom, rested your head on his chest and fell asleep to the sound of him telling you a story from childhood like he often did to you when you had trouble sleeping.

"I love you y/n" Tom whispered as he noticed you had fallen asleep, he kissed you on the forehead.

"I love you too" You whispered back. You may have looked asleep but you weren't actually sleeping yet.

Tom decided to go back to telling his story so you could fall asleep and before you knew it you were fast asleep on Tom hugging him ever so tightly. Tom hugged you back and he went to sleep for the night awaiting for what the next morning has to throw at you both.

Word count 1.2k

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