Chapter 28- The premiere

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It was Friday morning, the day of the movie premiere.

Fashion designers, hair and makeup artists were around your house to help you get ready for the night. To make things a bit easier, you were both wearing Gucci so you only needed one fashion designer instead of the normal two. However, you did need two hair and makeup artists as you have long hair of course and Tom doesn't.

It was nearly time to drive to Leicester Square for the premiere. Today was one of the most important days of the year, so making an impression on the crowd was something that you cared a lot about. With this in mind, you and Tom decided to drive a luxury sports car, a black Lotus V6 Hybrid to be exact. You left for the premiere and arrived in no time. Tom stepped out of the car and the crowd screamed as Tom walked round to your side of the car to help you out. He was bombarded by the flashes from the paparazzi.

"Tom! Over here"


"Tom, come over here!"

"Mr Hiddleston, one question please."

The reporters kept shouting his name. Eventually, you both made it out of the car and headed to the red carpet to have pictures taken as well as answer some questions. This was one of your favourite parts of the premiere, your fans would come out to see and support you and you were surrounded by the people you love the most. Everyone was on the carpet except Robert. You just figured he was done with all the photos and questions already. As that thought crossed your mind, you heard tyres squeal across the road. The door flew open and Robert stepped out.

"Can he be on time for once?" You rolled your eyes and you joked with Scarlett.

"Come on Y/n, we all know he likes to make an 'entrance'" She used air quotations as sometimes there is no need for him to be so extra all the time.

Once Robert arrived on set, he immediately walked over to you. Before you could even greet each other, Tom quickly walked up to you and wrapped his arm around your waist. He whisked you away before Robert could even get a word in.

"I don't think so." You heard Tom say just after he took you away.

"You know Tom, I'm perfectly capable of avoiding him myself."

"I know that my darling, but I don't think he can avoid you." Tom said in a stern voice.

You laughed. "Good point actually." You agreed with him. You linked hands with Tom and walked off. "I think we should get seated, don't you?" You kissed him gently.

"Yes we should." Tom kissed you back.

You and Tom both walked into the cinema and waited for the film to begin. You sat down for about 5 minutes and then the credits began to play.

"This better be bloody good." Scarlett whispered into your ear.

You giggled. "I'm sure it will be just fine" You told her.

The film began and everyone clapped when Tom was on the screen, everyone heard the first and most memorable line of the film. Tom looked at you and admired your beauty.

"This is where our love story began." He whispered into your ear.

You smiled at him as you held his hand.

*After the film*

The film finally ended and everyone clapped. It was great you really enjoyed the film.

"You know as love stories go, that's not bad." You joked.

"I know a better one though." Tom said.

"Awwww. You guys are so cute." Scarlett said as she thought you two were adorable.

"Ewww. Get a room." Chris joked.

Clearly, Chris did not feel the same way. After the film ended, most people went to the bathrooms before they went to the afterparty, you on the other hand decided to wait for everyone and go after. That's when Robert sat down next to you.

'Oh great. Well this definitely isn't going to go horribly.' You thought to yourself.

You felt Robert try to talk but before he could even say anything, you interrupted.

"If you're going to apologise don't bother. Apologies clearly mean nothing to you." You spoke so coldly towards him showing no emotion.

Robert sighed, he was going to apologise. "Alright fine, at least let me congratulate you."

You rolled your eyes at him, you wanted this conversation to be over so badly. "If you must."

"Well congratulations on the baby and the wedding, I'm really happy for you both." He told you, he seemed sincere.

"You wish it was you though" You muttered under your breath hoping he might hear you.

"Pardon?" He spoke.

He must have heard you. That's when Tom came back from the bathroom and gave you a kiss before you could say anything else. However this time, he made sure that the kiss was a bit more passionate. It was quite obvious why.

"Everything alright?" He asked you, completely ignoring Robert.

"Yeah, I was just leaving" You spoke putting emphasis on the "yeah".

"Goodbye, Robert." You said to him hoping this was the last time you would have to say it to him.

Robert nodded his head "Tom." At least Robert had the decency to acknowledge him.

Tom nodded back. "Downey." He rolled his eyes before walking off with you.

"Did he say anything interesting then?" Tom asked curiously.

"I mean, he tried to apologise but I told him not to bother. He did congratulate us, so that was nice of him I guess."

He seemed a bit annoyed but you didn't dwell on it too much. Everyone was out of the bathrooms now and were making their way to the after party.

"Are we going to the after party then?" Tom knew you were tired so he thought he would ask you just in case you wanted to sleep.

"I think I might just go back to the hotel, you can go though." After every premiere, there was an after party and then after every party everyone went back to a fancy 5 star hotel.

"No it's fine I'll come and keep you company. I'll just go say goodbye to Chris and Scarlett." He told you.

You saw Tom say goodbye but for some reason, Chris and Scarlett walked with him to the car.

"We are going to come back with you, have our own little after party." Scarlett told you.

"Oh my God this is going to be fun" You said to the others.

Being pregnant was hard for you, you could no longer do some of the stuff you used to do and that made you upset. So when Scarlett mentions the mini party at the hotel, you couldn't have been happier. All four of you got into your cars and drove to the hotel.

"See you in a minute" Scarlett said before they drove off.

Word count 1.1k

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