Chapter 21- Packing up

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You woke up the next morning from a nightmare you had and you were pretty shaken up from it. Sweat rolled down the side of your face, you didn't know that you had such a physical reaction. While you were getting yourself together, you looked at the sky, and you realised that it looked so peaceful. The sun was just rising which indicated it was still early and the birds were chirping away. You watched Tom as he slept, he looked like he was having such a good night's sleep. Since it was still early you decided to go back to sleep until Tom was to wake up later.

It was around 9 when Tom woke up and since you woke up earlier you were in and out of sleep so when you felt Tom move you woke up instantly.

"Sorry I woke you" He whispered.

"It's fine, I've been in and out of sleep since around 6" You told him.

"Coffee?" He offered you.

"Only if you're making it," You joked.

Tom went to get out of bed, but you pulled him back, holding on to him so he couldn't leave. Your nightmare continued every time you tried to go to sleep, making it nearly impossible for you to sleep alone, you didn't want him to leave. Tom could feel you shaking and your uneven breathing.

"Y/n what's wrong?" He asked worryingly.

You didn't answer, you felt like you were about to break down. You just hugged onto him tighter.

"Y/n, it's okay. You can talk to me."

You felt a tear run down your cheek, Tom wiped it away for you. This time Tom didn't say anything, he just held you tighter waiting for you to talk.

You began to talk, but your voice was all shaky.

You finally spoke, wiping the tears away

(A/N: Trigger warning- Miscarriage)

"I had a dream that we were happily married and living in our home together and then I got pregnant, worked stressed me out too much and I-" Your voice began to break again.

Tom didn't speak, he just held you and stroked your hair.

You looked at him dead in the eyes and tears began to stream down your face.

"I lost the baby, Tom" You broke down, you couldn't stop the tears this time.

Tom was lost for words, you could see the tears starting to form in his eyes from the pain this caused you. Even though he didn't have the nightmare himself, it seemed like it affected him just as much. He hugged you properly this time as he spoke gently.

"Oh y/n, everything is going to be okay. Remember it was just a dream, just your imagination" He reassured you.

You looked up at him. "But it felt so real Tom," You were crying so much that some tears entered your mouth, the saltiness was unbelievably strong this time.

"Shhhh, It's alright y/n, I'm here." Tom was so shocked and sad by this dream you had he didn't know what else to say, he tried his best to comfort you.

You looked up at him and gave him a weak smile feeling slightly better. "Thank you" You whispered.

You both laid back in the blanket fort and cuddled with each other in silence. Tom waited for you to be ready to speak again.

*Sometime later*

You and Tom finally got out of bed around 11 and you felt much better already, a cuddle with Tom was just what you needed.

"Right come on then, we've got some packing to do" You said to Tom

He smiled at you "Are you sure you're alright?" He asked

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