Chapter 29- Hotel party

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You arrived at the hotel and all four of you went to your room. Of course, Chris and Tom raided the mini bar as soon as the door was opened. Whilst they were doing that, you connected to the Bluetooth system in your room so you could play music.

Even though you and Scarlett were stuck drinking lemonade, you were both still having the time of your life surrounded by the people you love. Two groups of childhood best friends dating the other best friend group, it still seemed so crazy to you.

Eventually, the alcohol kicked in and Tom and Chris were both tipsy.

"So, y/n how did you and Scarlett meet?" Chris asked.

You and Scarlett never really spoke about how you met, mainly because you cannot remember. You also had no idea what drew you to each other, since you've been best friends since you were 3 years old.

"Ummmm, I'm pretty sure we were neighbours?" You questioned the story double checking with Scarlett.

"Neighbours, School and after school clubs. Who knows." She added.

"We've been friends for so long we can't even remember the story on how we met." You both laughed.

You took a sip of your drink before asking the same question. "What about how you and Tom met?"

"Well ,that's a funny story actually." Tom laughed.

"You see, we were both neighbours that hated each other as we didn't have anything in common, but our mums were best friends. Unfortunately, this meant that we had to hang out with each other almost every day." Chris told you.

"Yep! And he was a pain in the ass of course." Tom joked.

"Was? What do you mean was? He still is." Scarlett said as you laughed with her.

"Anyways, we eventually realised that we had more things in common than we thought. From that moment onwards, we became brothers who actually liked each other and weren't the friends who were forced to be together because of our mums." Chris continued with the story.

"Yep, and that's how we met and sadly I'm stuck with him now." Tom joked again.

Chris gave him a death stare "You're not funny Tom."

"You know what is funny? The fact that you only own one suit." And even though this was true Chris acted like he didn't hear the comment.

After you have had a few more drinks, everything became more lively. As the night went on, all four of you shared more memories of your childhood, laughed, and played games. But then the questions on who did you use to fancy came up and things became interesting.

"So, Y/n, ever had a crush on Chris?" Tom curiously asked, wanting to know if his fiancé had ever liked his best friend.

You laughed. "Oh, don't be silly" You told him. "Although I do remember him having a crush on me for quite a while." You teased him.

Chris' eyebrows furrowed and he looked at you in annoyance. "Butterfly! We swore never to speak of that."

"Yeah, and I told you not to call me that name, so it looks like we can't always get what we want, can we?" You replied in a snarky tone.

"Oooo. Chris having a crush on y/n. Now this I have to hear." Scarlett was intrigued.

Everyone gathered around you almost like you were telling a story.

"Well, there's not much to tell. It was my first acting job ever and Chris was one of my co-stars and on the 5th day on set he asked me out, but I declined." You began to tell them.

"Y/n. Do we really have to tell them?" Chris said in embarrassment.

You completely ignored him and went back to talking. "So, after I rejected him, Chris kept bringing me little gifts to set almost every day. Sometimes it was chocolate or flowers, sometimes it was coffee and other times he offered to buy me lunch and then- "Scarlett interrupted you.

"I thought you only did that to me." She hit Chris in a playful way.

Chris turned red. "I did it to all the girls I've liked," He spoke quietly. "But you're the only girl I want now." He reassured Scarlett.

They both hugged each other and continued to listen to the story.

"And then after another failed attempt to ask me out, he finally told me he liked me, and I may have shut him down." You spoke sincerely still feeling sorry for the fact that you did that to him.

"But in the end if it wasn't for Chris liking me, we wouldn't have such great of a friendship." You reminded everyone.

"Ok so now that's over. Who's down to go on a drive and get some food?" Chris asked you all.

As you were pregnant you were practically craving food all the time, so of course you were down to get some food and since and Scarlett and Tom both agreed. You, Scarlett and Chris were the only ones not drunk, you and Scarlett weren't for obvious reasons and Chris wasn't because being very ripped made it very hard for him to get drunk, he mainly just got tipsy.

You all left the hotel, got in Chris's car and drove to find some food. You and Tom sat in the back and Scarlett and Chris were in the front. As traveling made you feel sick you decided to lay your head on Tom's lap and lay in the back seat as you drove to get food. Tom comforted you by stroking your hair and holding your hand but then Chris interrupted you both.

"You know guys, the seats are re-clinable so if you want to lay next to each other. you can."

Since Chris had one of the newest cars, it always had the best tech. You both pressed the button to recline your chairs and laid next to each other. This was much better than resting on Tom's lap, he could hold and comfort you in his arms and you could also probably fall asleep as you are next to him. You cuddled up with each other in the back of the car and you tried to sleep so you would not feel sick anymore.

"Awww, you guys are the cutest." Scarlett pointed out.

You kicked her chair to tell her to shut up, "I may be pregnant, but I am still feisty" You reminded her.

"That's right my darling." Tom whispered into your ear.

After about twenty-five minutes, you finally got your food and then Chris began to drive back home. After you ate your food, you fell asleep on Tom again as the nausea was in full effect again.

Finally, after what felt like forever you arrived back at the hotel and made it to your room. Lucky for all four of you, your rooms connected so if you wanted a chat or wanted a break from your partners, all you would have to do is walk through the door that connected your rooms and the problem was solved.

Looking at the time now, it was around 3am and ever since being pregnant you have not been able to stay up that late but tonight you did. You were not really feeling tired but everyone else was, so you all decided to call it a night and go to bed.

"Good night guys," You said to Chris and Scarlett as they returned to their room.

Once you and Tom were ready for bed, you decided to fall asleep watching a film. You put on Romeo and Juliet as Shakespeare was one of Tom's favourites and because you had a fat crush on Leonardo DiCaprio. Within ten minutes of the film beginning you were sound asleep. Even though you did not feel tired, you must have been since you fell asleep quickly. Tom noticed you were asleep and turned the TV off and fell asleep for the night as well.

Word count 1.3k

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