Chapter 26- The scan

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It's been three months since you and Tom announced your engagement. Today was the day of your first scan for the baby and it was also the day you finally told your friends and family you're expecting.

It was around 11 when you and Tom made your way to the hospital. Being in the car wasn't a pleasant experience since you woke up feeling nauseous. You felt like you were going to throw up at any moment. Lucky for you, it only took about 20 minutes to drive to the hospital, so the pain you were going through wouldn't last long.

Arriving at the hospital, you and Tom made your way to the Maternity ward to get your first scan. Sitting anxiously in the waiting room, the nurse finally called your name out.

"Mr and Mrs Hiddleston. Room 7 please" She showed you the way to the examination room.

Hand in hand, you and Tom stepped into the room and greeted your midwife for the first time. You all exchanged pleasantries and introduced yourself to one another and then got straight to business. You lied down on the bed and awaited for the ultra-scan to begin. Tom waited in anticipation to hear a heartbeat and so did you. If you heard the heartbeat, you knew that those nightmares would stop harassing you. The midwife applied the gel to your stomach and you flinched at the sudden coldness that you felt on your stomach. She began the scan. At first, it was a struggle to find the heartbeat but eventually...

"thump thump"

Tom looked at you in excitement.

"That's the baby's heartbeat there." The midwife pointed at the monitor.

"Your baby has a strong heartbeat and looks healthy, would you like a photocopy of the scan?"

You both smiled, so overwhelmed with happiness, feeling the tears threatening to come out. "Yes please" You said at the same time. The midwife printed you out a copy and handed it to you. You both thanked her and made an appointment for your next check-up and then made your way back home, of course stopping off at Burger King as you were craving cheeseburgers again.

Tom pulled the scan out of his pocket. "Can you believe this is our little baby?" He spoke placing his hand against your stomach.

"Little Loki?" You laughed as you said that.

Tom looked at you in awe, "Little Loki, I love it" He giggled.

You quickly arrived home and immediately thought of a plan to tell your friends and family.

"So we just send them a picture of the scan and see what they all say. Deal?" Tom asked you,

"Sounds like a plan." You responded.

After taking a picture of the scan, you sent it to Scarlett, Chris, Dylan, Sarah, Emma and both of your mums. They all responded immediately congratulating you on the new arrival, all you had to do now was tell the media.

It's been awhile since you and Tom have spoken to the press or done any interviews. That's because you wanted to keep your life private. Having too many prying eyes might have affected the relationship, and the idea of millions of people you don't know being aware of the details wasn't appealing to you. So you decided to take a picture of the scan with you holding it, showing off your ring as well with a caption that read. 'It's been a rollercoaster of a few months and I'm so happy to say me and Tom will be getting married and will be waiting for the arrival of our Little Loki'.

Not even 10 minutes had passed before all of your fans were congratulating you. Even some extended family were elated to hear the news. You and Tom were finally happy that the secret was out and that you could finally go out in public without hiding anything from them. Life was great, you were going to be married to the love of your life and you were expecting a baby. What else could a girl ask for? That's when you got a phone call. It was Scarlett, she was asking for you and Tom to come round.

You and Tom grabbed your things and made your way to your old apartment.

*Scarlett and Chris's apartment*

You arrived at their apartment shortly after Scarlett texted you. You greeted each other and they both congratulated you on being pregnant. That's when the both sat you down and told you something.

Scarlett was too excited and she couldn't hold it in for any longer.

"Y/n, you know how we always said we would be pregnant together when we are older." She told you.

Your eyes widened and your mouth opened.

"Well... Surprise. I'm pregnant!" She told you in excitement.

You stood up out of your chair and ran over to her.

"Oh my God! I can't believe this, congratulations you guys! How long have you known?" You yelled, your happiness was barely controllable.

"For about two months, but I'm not sure how far along I actually am." She told you.

"This is amazing. We're pregnant at the same," You both hugged each other in excitement.

"Congrats bro, I'm happy for you," Tom said, giving Chris a hug.

You just couldn't believe that a whole group of best friends have managed to go from being friends to be in two relationships and both expecting babies, life is so crazy sometimes.

It was getting late and you were really tired. The nausea had decided to kick in again so you and Tom decided to head home. You and Scarlett congratulated each other once more and you said your goodbyes to Chris and then made your way home.

*Back at home*

You arrived home at around 10:30 and you were really tired so you decided to draw yourself a bath in your En-suite.

"Can I join you?" Tom joked.

You weren't really in the mood to fuck him right now but you might as well let him join you and relax in the bath if he wanted to.

You drew your bath and the water was steaming just the way you liked you. You decided to light some candles and play some relaxing music. Sitting in the bath felt so relaxing. Your aching muscles were now soothed from the heat and you felt nice and warm from the temperature of the water. The embrace from Tom's arms added the cherry on top. In the end, he did decide to join you and he offered you a massage as well.

"That's an offer I can't refuse." You said to him before you went in the bath.

Every now and again you felt soft kisses being placed on your shoulder and a gentle sucking at your collar bone. You kept pushing Tom away but he just kept going back. Eventually, you just gave up because you knew deep down that you really didn't mind him doing it. At some point, you fell asleep in the bath and Tom just laid there and held you until you woke up. You weren't asleep for long but it was long enough to make the steaming water go to room temperature and because of that you decided to get out. You dried yourself off and got yourself ready for bed. You stole one of Tom's t-shirts out of the wardrobe and wore some shorts to go with it, then you hopped into bed and called it a night.

"Goodnight Tom." You whispered already half asleep.

"Goodnight my dear." He said kissing you gently on the forehead.

Word count 1.2k

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