Chapter 15- Betrayal

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After the hectic party, you headed home with Tom. You went to your apartment this time. It was 2 AM when you finally walked through the door and headed to your bedroom.

"I'm just going to get some fresh air," Tom told you.

For some reason on the car journey home, he seemed a bit off, but you chose to ignore it, because after all he did catch Robert kissing you. He's probably still a little shaken up from it.

"Alright I'll meet you in bed," You said as you tried to kiss him. He turned his face at the last second and you got his cheek instead.

'That was weird' You thought to yourself as you headed to the bedroom. You got in bed, turned the lights off and went to sleep.

Meanwhile, Tom was on the phone to Chris on the balcony. Trying to be quiet as possible so that he didn't wake you up.

*The phone call*

"Bro, I can't believe Robert kissed her again. I was so close to doing something but Scarlett stopped me" Chris told him.

"I know, I'm glad you put him to bed because I don't know what would have happened if I saw him again," He sounded angry.

"Tom are you alright? You sound a bit angry. I thought you and y/n made up?" Chris asked.

"Yeah we did, I'm fine. I think." He was hesitant.

"You think?" Chris questioned.

*Meanwhile in the bedroom*

The argument between you and Tom was still playing back in your head. All of the emotions that spilled during that fight kept haunting you. Anger. Pain. Sadness. Regret. Even though you two had made up, you still had a gut wrenching feeling that you just couldn't shake. What was the result of all of this happening? Insomnia. You just couldn't sleep because your mind wouldn't relax, so you decided to go to the balcony to join Tom to get some fresh air. Maybe talking to the love of your life is the cure for whatever sickness you're currently dealing with. While walking towards the door, you heard Tom talking to someone. You didn't want to disturb him so you waited for the conversation to finish.

*The phone call*

"You think?" Question Chris.

"Yeah. I think" Tom said coldly.

"Why's this then? Come on, you know you can talk to me."

Tom sighed.

"I know we made up and everything but I just feel so betrayed by her. I saw the kiss, Chris. I saw her do something that I thought only I got, with someone else. She didn't even try that hard to pull away. Robert wasn't holding the back of her neck or anything, she wasn't restricted from pulling away, it was almost like she was hesitant to do."

Chris didn't respond.

"Another thing, the way she acts around him on set. She's always so flirtatious with him. I don't know if I can trust her anymore, even though I really want to. What if she wanted that kiss with Robert to happen and that's why she went outside to talk to him?"

"Come on Tom, don't be like that. You know what y/n is like. She is flirty with everyone, it's a part of her personality and maybe she didn't pull away but she was out of her mind. I mean she was even slow dancing with you and she never does that, like ever." Chris responded.

"Yeah she told me about the slow dancing thing, but still being drunk isn't an excuse to not pull away."

*Outside the balcony door*

You heard every word of the conversation between Tom and Chris, but you wanted to act like you misheard everything that was said. You felt so hurt that he said all of these things about you, that he could even think these things about you. At this point, you had enough of just standing there and decided to confront Tom. You opened the mesh netting to the balcony. The next few minutes would be some of the ugliest moments of your relationship.

On set with Tom HiddlestonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora