Chapter 20- A day at home

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It was the next morning and you and Tom awoke on the balcony still wrapped in each-other's arms. Since you both left your phones inside, you didn't know what the time was. Despite that, you could see the sun in the sky, so it was probably time to get up. You both walked inside and checked the time on the clock only to realise it was 6:30 am.

Tom whispered to you "Do you want to go back to sleep in our bed or the blanket fort?"

Tom never called it "our bed" before. Hearing him say that made you very happy.

"The weather is nice outside and our bed will be cold, so back to the blanket fort it is." You giggled.

You went to go walk back over to the balcony but before you could even take two steps, Tom scooped you up again, carrying you to the fort. You laughed innocently. You both laid back down in the fort to fall asleep, you didn't bother to cuddle up with Tom as you were still very tired and would have fallen back asleep instantly, but Tom being Tom he wasn't having it. He pulled you in closer to him so he could cuddle you. Both laying there looking at the beautiful sky and Tom playing with your hair you fell asleep very quickly.

Tom woke up before you like usual and made you breakfast. He decided to make pancakes and bacon and bought you a chocolate milkshake from the diner a couple of blocks from your house. Of course, the smell of bacon woke you up and you headed to the kitchen right away. You saw that Tom had set the kitchen counter up for breakfast and immediately sat down ready to eat.

"I could get used to this." You said, appreciating his kind gesture.

"Mhmmm, I'm sure you could," Tom replied.

Tom placed the food in front of you and sat down to join you and you both began to eat.

"You even got me a milkshake from Debbie's Diner, Tom you shouldn't have."

"Well I thought I would surprise you my dear and I know it's one of your favourites," He said smiling.

For the rest of breakfast, you sat there in silence and enjoyed the amazing food that Tom had cooked up for the both of you.

By the time you had both finished breakfast and gotten ready for the day it was around 1pm. You both had some free time, but you had no idea what to do.

That's when you saw Tom walk over to your record player and put a record on. As soon as the song started playing, you instantly recognised what he put on. Tom walked up to you and placed his hand out.

"May I have this dance?" He asked.

You looked at him in awe and smiled. "Well of course you may," You replied back to him.

You placed your arms around Tom's neck and he placed his around your waist and you began to slow dance with each other.

"Tom, how did you know this was one of my favourite records to dance to?" You asked him curiously.

"Come on darling, 'It's been a long, long time' is the only slow-ish song you have in your collection." He told you.

"Yeah but there were plenty of other-"

"Shhhh" He interrupted you, putting his index finger on your lips "No talking, just dancing."

You looked at him. "Did you really just-"

"Shhhhh" He did it again.

You rolled your eyes and continued to dance. Being embraced by Tom made you feel so safe and so loved by him.  Whenever you danced with him you knew that you didn't want the moment to end, you never wanted to let go of him. After what had felt like you had been dancing forever, Tom finally spoke.


"Mhmm" You hummed as your head rested on his chest.

"What would you say about moving in with me?" He asked.

You head shot up, you looked at him and smiled "Are you serious?" You asked him.

"Of course, I'm serious." He spoke and your smile grew bigger.

"Well then in that case I say yes," You spoke with excitement.

Tom spun you around and then he brought you into his arms again as he kissed you. You both felt so happy, so glad you would finally share a home together. The first big step towards your dream life.

"I love y/n" He spoke softly as he kissed his forehead.

"Well of course you do, who doesn't?" You said jokingly.

Tom laughed as he shook his head.

"I love you too idiot." You laughed.

"Oh so I'm a idiot now am I?" He said playfully

"Yes, yes you are." You giggled.

Tom spun you around once more and you began to laugh again. Tom loved hearing that laugh of yours it made him fall in love with you even more. He picked you up at the waist and began to dance with you again, but this time your head was on his shoulder and his arms rested under your thighs. You both stayed in silence for the rest of night and just danced until your feet couldn't take it anymore. It was so romantic and you were both glad you spent the day doing completely nothing but dance. By the time you both stopped it was around 6pm. You both went back onto the balcony and sat there.

"I really can't believe we danced for that long" Tom said

You didn't respond, you just laughed.

"Can we sleep under the stars again tonight?" You asked him.

"Only if we start packing up your things so we can have you in our home by Monday,"

It was Friday so you had the weekend to pack everything up and to tell your landlord you're moving.

"Alright deal, I'll call Scarlett and Chris over tomorrow and they can help us pack," You replied back to him.

"Darling, how about instead of signing the lease back over to your landlord you give it to Chris and Scarlett? I'm pretty sure they have been looking for a place for a while now." Tom suggested.

"That's a brilliant idea, I'll have to go over it with my landlord first and then we can speak to Chris and Scarlett tomorrow."

*Sometime later*

It was around 11pm now and you and Tom ordered a pizza and spent the night watching some films together. You both decided it was time to go back outside again and fall asleep under the stars.

Both laying down in the blanket fort, Tom was talking to you about some of his childhood memories, but you were too sleepy to listen to them properly. Hearing his voice as your head rested on his chest felt so relaxing and it instantly made you fall asleep. Tom was still talking and then realised you fell asleep.

"Y/n?" He whispered to check if you were asleep.

You looked so peaceful as you slept Tom thought as he watched you sleep.

"Oh I can't wait to marry you one day" He whispered to himself.

Once again you didn't hear him as you were fast asleep. He kissed you on the forehead and held you tighter as he drifted off to sleep as well.

Word count 1.2k

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