Day 549

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"All troops! All troops! Prepare for drop!" The loudspeaker shouts, as I run with my platoon towards the hulking drop ships. We enter the large tube like containers and stand with our backs against the padding that lines the walls. Laurel, Dominick, Cathy, Ella, Erica, Ana, Stel and Kate all strap in around me. Kate stands next to me and takes my hand as the tube fills with soldiers. As the final trooper enters the tube a holographic battlefield appears before us.
"We will be dropping in here." The Sargent says, indicating a green landing zone. "Our objective is to capture and destroy the alien outposts here, here and here. Then move on to the citadel."
"Roger!" We all shout. Then we wait for about ten minutes in silence. Then the tube jolts and we feel the sensation of rising into the air. The younger soldiers began to talk excitedly while the older soldiers, like myself and my friends. Stood in a hushed silence, waiting for the opportunity to fight. Suddenly the tube shakes as an explosion detonates right outside. A few younger female soldiers clutched at their boyfriends for comfort. I looked over at Kate and she took my hand. I smile at her through my helmet and she smiles back.
"Nearing drop zone." A mechanical voice said over our comms.
"Remember your training and you will make it out alive!" The Seargent screams and we pull up our rifles into the ready position. I feel the clamps that hold the tube onto the bottom of the gunship release and were in free fall.
"Red light stand by." the voice sounds again and the cabin fills with a blood red light. I check my plasma rifle and see that it is loaded. The free fall sensation intensifies and then the entire tube shakes. My combat visor snaps into place before the voice said. "Green light!" Then the red light turned green and the walls of the tube blasted outwards and we were plunged into battle.
"Go, go, go!" I shout, leading my platoon forward and into the battle. Plasma bolts fill the air around us as the alien soldiers try to kill us. We run for the first outpost under a withering wave of blaster fire. I lift my rifle and fire at the hidden assailants. Hundreds, even thousands of soldiers are pressing towards the objectives, their green camouflage bodies moving across the dark landscape in one continuous wave. I see gunships fly out of the clouds and set tanks on the battlefield, providing cover fire so the drivers can get their bearings. I hear a low hum and hit the ground as a ball of plasma from an alien cannon blows a platoon to pieces, showering us with blood and charred flesh. "Forward! come on!" I yell, beckoning the younger soldiers forward.
"Erica, take Lee and Stel up the left flank and distract those gunners." I say as a ball of plasma detonates a few meters away.
"Roger." They all say and begin moving towards the cannons. I duck behind cover and take in my surroundings. The aliens created an environment of perpetual darkness for them to live in. All of their weaponry is concealed behind bioluminescent trees and animals. The entire landscape is hostile and is treated as such. I think back to what happened before I was dropped into this mess
"Glad to have you back J'son." Jade said as I walked into the town hall with Erica and Lee. "You've missed a lot. You two, go debrief. I have a lot to explain." Lee and Erica salute and walk away, chatting.
"I noticed their uniforms changed sir." I said to jade, falling in step next to him.
"Ah, yes. We have made some modifications to our battle dress. Here, I'll show you." he led me up to a crate that was sitting by his desk.
"This is your new uniform. I was going to have it sent to your house but since you're here. Try it on."
I open the box and pull out a set of camouflage pants with two pockets on each side. The pants were made of a stiff material and didn't move easily. I slid them over my gym shorts and flexed my legs. I felt no restriction of movement what so ever. Next I pulled out a jacket made of the same material so I slid into it as best as possible. I felt something click as the hem of the jacket met the waistband of the pants.
"The two pieces form a seal that is impervious to everything. It's air and water tight so you can wear it into any combat environment. Next he handed me a pair of gloves and boots. The gloves liked like the ones I had worn before I was injured but the boots looked like regular work boots.
"Sir. These boots look a little lacking in protection..." I said, putting them on. Once I had laced them up I slipped on the gloves and snapped my hands out. The jacket had sealed around my wrists and the pants sealed around my boots. I looked back into the crate and found a new helmet. It looked like *see picture* "Cool gear sir." I said, clipping the plasma rifle to my back and slipping the pistols into the holsters on my legs. "When do you need me in the field?" "The drop ships are leaving now." Jade said and I heard a voice calling over the loudspeakers,
"All troops report to the drop ships."
"Incoming drop." Comes a voice over my comm.
"Down!" I shout and everyone hits the dirt as dozens of gunships fly over our heads, dropping hundreds of small two legged walkers onto the battlefield. The walkers snap into formation and begin advancing, firing at the hidden enemy cannons. "Forward!" I shout and we join the rush of men following the walkers. Kate, Dominick and Ella run on my right and Laurel, Cathy and George on my left. We shoot at anything that's not human as we make our way towards the first enemy outpost.

The fight for the futureحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن