Two years ago...

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They came in droves. The golden drop ships filling the sky, accompanied by black, delta shaped, fighter planes. Kate and I were in school, being 14 at the time, I had no way to react to the swooping, diving, and sometimes flaming silver and black shapes that filled the sky. A code red emergency had been called as soon as the first planes crashed on the field outside the window of my classroom. We had immediately ducked down below the windows and kept an eye on the door. I saw that Kate was shaking in fear so I scooted over to her and held her in my arms as the battle raged outside. A scream rang in my ears and I sprang to a crouch, ready to run. Turns out one of my fellow classmates saw the battlefield and screamed like she'd been shot. An explosion flared up outside and I took the risk, got up, and looked out the window.

Outside, the field was a battleground. The high ropes course was in flames and national guard soldiers were advancing across the field, firing at something closer to the school that I could not see. Several bolts of energy were fired at the national guard men but most of them missed. One poor soldier though, got a bolt full in the face. His scream echoed over the sounds of gunfire. Suddenly a black plane crashed through the windows of the classroom, showering me with dust and glass. I shielded Kate as the fuselage of the plane plowed through the classroom. I stood up looking around at the shattered desks and pools of red on the floor.

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