Day 11 20:30

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After hours of manual labor and re organizing jets the process is finally completed. Seven hundred tents have been set up to accommodate the three thousand civilians and soldiers from the SSR. I have my own tent close to the city with a storage locker and a bunk inside. I drop my helmet on to my
bed and change into jeans and a t-shirt. I'm tired of being a soldier and I need to relax. It's chilly inside the mountain so I slip a sweatshirt on over my shirt. Kate's tent is about three blocks away so I walk down the road greeting my people and fellow soldiers as I go. When I get to her tent I knock on one of the wooden poles that support the tent. "Anyone home?" I ask, waiting for a response. Kate steps out and kisses me on the cheek.
"What's up?" She says, walking toward the city.
"Would you like to go see a show?" I ask her as we enter the cities outer limits.
"Yes. Yes I would." She says as we enter the business district.
"Somebody's out on a date." I hear Lee call from across the street as he and Erica walk up to us arm in arm.
"You're one to talk." I say nodding at Erica. He laughs and says,
"Yea, I probably shouldn't talk. Wanna join us for dinner?"
"Sure." Kate says and we all walk to a nearby restaurant.
* * *
Hours later, Kate and I walk back into camp still laughing from the movie we just saw. "That was great." I say, catching my breath.
"I agree." She replies, still laughing. Suddenly our communicators beep and we look at them simultaneously.
"Night shift. Damn." I say after reading the message from command.
"Me too." Kate replies, "what sector?"
"O-21" I say, "you?"
"Same." Kate answers, "let's suit up." Three minutes later we stand in front of a door set into the side of the mountain, waiting for the last shift to return. After five minutes we start to think something's up. We try calling them on the comm but they don't answer.
"Let's go." I say, slipping on my helmet and powering up my blaster. I open the door and run up the stairs, motioning to Kate to follow. As we reach the top, shouts, shrieks and the crackle of gunfire can be heard from behind the door. I switch into combat mode and open the door.

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