Day 11- 4:30

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I sit up with a yawn, stretching my arms over my head as I sit up, my rifle digging into my back. Everyone else is still asleep as I make my way to the cockpit. The sky is still dark as we fly westward at close to 300 mph.
"There's something you should see sir." The pilot says motioning to the radar readout. "This showed up on long range scanners about half an hour ago." He says, indicating a red dot on the edge of the screen. "I don't know what it is but I'll let you know when we're coming up on it. It's still a good 500 miles away."
"Alright." I reply, "I'll wake the others when we get within 100 miles." The pilot nods and looks back out the window and I walk back to the sitting area.


An hour and a half later, all of my teammates are awake and on high alert as we fly closer to the radar contact we saw. Suddenly a blast shakes the plane and the pilot swears colorfully.
"Sir! We're under attack! We've wandered into a battle!"
"How far are we from our destination?" I ask, picking up my helmet and motioning to the others.
"A good 800 miles sir, we'll never make..." Before he can finish his sentence, a blast of energy separates the cockpit from the fuselage causing the plane to fall.
"Strap on packs! We're jumping!" I shout, slipping on my helmet and grabbing a jet pack off the wall of the plane and sliding the straps into place. The cockpit door had sealed itself to prevent us from being sucked out. But once we all had strapped on our jet packs and pressurized our helmets. I gave my team the thumbs up and punched the cargo door release button and we were all sucked out into the night sky. We plummeted out of the plane and were immediately greeted by chaos. Silver and black jets swooped around us, locked in a dance which sent one partner to the ground. My visor clears, showing a flight path straight to the ground. "Ella, George, fall back with Laurel. Dominick, Cathy, follow me to the ground. I'm sure there'll be a welcoming committee."
"Roger that." They all respond and I tuck in my arms and plummet, steadily gaining speed with Cathy and Dominick right above me.
"5,000 meters to impact." my computer said, as an altimeter appeared in my peripheral vision.
"Steady." I say, preparing to trigger my jet pack. "Steady." I say as the altimeter drops below 1500 meters. "NOW!" I shout, triggering my jet pack so that my decent is slowed slightly. My combat visor slides into place and my night vision clicks on. I can see ten hulking aliens about twenty feet below me and I land among them at sixty miles an hour. My steel soled boots absorb the impact and I unsheathe my knives as the aliens recover from the shockwave I generated. They growl and lunge at me and I parry their strikes as fast as I can. I slash one across the neck and it falls to the ground. Seconds later two more crashes signify the landing of my backup and the aliens begin to fall around me. Once they have all been killed, I assemble with my team for a quick meeting.
"This is our position." I say, indicating my holo map, "there was a battle going on about two miles west of here. We should check it out."
"Roger." They all respond and begin running towards the battleground. Blasters in hand.
After about fifteen minutes we see the bodies. "Stay down." I whisper into my comm. I'm going to take a look."
My teammates all crouch down and nod to me. I sneak forward, my boots hardly disturbing the carpet of leaves on the forest floor. I turn on my night vision and the forest glows a vibrant shade of green. As I close in on the massacred alien soldiers I question what I see. Large chunks of flesh have been taken out of a few of the aliens, their blood drenching the forest floor. I feel something squish under my boot and instinctively look down. I am greeted by an alien whose crushed head I have just stepped in. I jump back and notice something strange. Seven of the aliens have arrows stuck in their sides and heads. I pick up the broken shaft of an arrow and turn on my thermal imaging. The nock of the arrow shows traces of heat. Instantly I switch to my combat visor, heat up my blaster and say to my team, "we're not alone out here."

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