Day 3- 7:15

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I duck down below the sand bags as several shots, turn the sand to glass. I look over the top and fire my sliver rifle at the enemy. It hums and fires a beam of blue energy, melting a hole in an alien soldier's chest. Cole, the soldier next to me, fires her rifle at the alien ground troops. Machine guns chatter, grenades explode, shotguns reload and fire, aliens and humans alike, scream in pain and death. This is truly a battlefield. I fire shot after shot at the alien troopers, my weapon burning into my targets flesh. Planes swoop overhead, still locked in a dance of death. Every so often one will fall and crash, it's pilot not having made the return trip.

About an hour passes with no visible end to the enemy forces. We've created a palisade with the amount of aliens we've killed. The red armored captain is nowhere in sight but hundreds of his troops lie dead or dying upon the ground or on rooftops. A majority of the aliens are blue skinned but a good portion of them are purple hued. But our forces have suffered as well. Several foxholes are gone, destroyed by alien explosives. My entire squad is in the hospital with burn wounds and claw cuts.

"Here they come!!" I shout as another wave of enemies rounds the corner and starts firing at us. My rifle hums and chirps, almost as if it has a mind of its own. Powered by bio electric energies, as long as my nerves work my weapon will work. I fire at anything that moves, taking down an opponent with each shot. Suddenly a silver sphere lands next to me in the foxhole it blinks twice. Then glows red and I am engulfed in an explosion and flung into the air. I hit the ground and the world goes dark.

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