Day 2- 19:27

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"Shit!" I yell as I roll over, shielding Kate with my body as the plane roars overhead. The low hum of its weapons is quickly drowned out by the chatter of a machine gun. "Are you alright?" I ask Kate, helping her to her feet.

"Yes, I'm fine. Let's go armor up."

"Right." I say. We run towards the armory as men and women run past us in full combat gear. I rush into the men's barracks, slide my black combat jacket on over my grey t-shirt, and grab my helmet. I hear the built in radio start to skwak, so I slip it over my head.

"All available units to the anti aircraft emplacements!" the panicked voice of an officer yells, "they're tearing us apart up here!"

"This is Sparta," I say into the com link as my visor slides over my eyes, "heading to the central emplacement now."

"Roger that Sparta, do you require backup?" another voice says,

"Negative!" Kate calls, "he's got some!"

"Copy." The voice says again. "There are 12 bogies coming in over the middle, your zone is about to get very hot." By now I have run to the center of camp and begun to load the 80 caliber full body machine gun. Kate runs up to me as I step up to the controls, the pads digging into my shoulders as I rotate the gun emplacement around to find my targets. She looks at the radar tablet and yells,

"Eleven o'clock!" I quickly spin around and look up in the sky. The gun following my movements. In the night sky it is impossible to see the planes with the naked eye. Fortunately though a red line appears around my targets as they come flying over the camp. I pivot the gun around as the planes roar overhead and fire at the lead plane. The machine gun chatters, spewing fire and death into the night sky. I fire at the main body of the plane and it works. The plane explodes and crashes out of the camp.

"One down only 11 to go." I say to myself.

"Two o'clock!" Kate screams and I pivot and fire again, taking down two planes this time. The first one spirals over our heads and explodes in a nearby building, the second however lands quite close to us and we are both caught in the massive explosion that follows.

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