Day 3 - 0:55

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I stand between Kate's unconscious body and the advancing aliens. They growl and aim their silver weapons at me. Suddenly two shots come from behind them and blow the brains out of the middle aliens. The rest spin around, looking for a target and I take that opportunity to kick one in the back as another shot kills it. Two bursts of rifle fire take out the second and third aliens. The fourth one however, whips around, and holds me in front of it like a shield.

"Let go of me you scaly sonofa bitch." I say through gritted teeth. I can see the green outline of the rifleman trying to get a clear shot. So I do what any person would do, I swing my booted foot up between the aliens legs, hoping that it works. Surprisingly, it does. The alien squeals and drops me, clutching the spot between its legs. As I roll away from its bulk a staccato burst of fire comes from the shadows of the nearby building and kills it.

"Are you alright sir?" the soldier calls as he walks out of the shadows pulling off his helmet as he goes.

"Yes Dominick I'm fine." I say as I look over Kate's body for injuries.

"I'm no medic." he says, sweeping his curly blond hair back, "but she looks fine to me."

"Better let Laurel handle it." I say. As I'm looking around for the rest of Dominick's squad a voice starts taking to me over the com.

"J'son? It's George. I'm in sniper position on the building above you. Laurel is on her way but there's a pack of hostiles moving in this direction. What should I do sir?"

"Delay them as long as possible." I say to him.

"Wait...sir! your squad is fighting them!" he shouts back.

"Assist them when they require it. Maddie!" I say, "George is in sniper and he's going to help you."

"Roger that sir." Maddie answers.

"Laurel!" I shout as gunfire begins to echo from the battle zone. "what's your e.t.a.?"

"Now, sir." she says as she somersaults off of a building in the other side of the square. Laurel is about 5' 7" tall and her uniform bears the Red Cross symbol. She begins to inspect Kate as the gunfire comes closer to our position.

"George, how's it looking?" I ask.

"Not good sir. They're falling back and are being pursued. Some of them are injured as well."

"Dammit." I say pulling my sidearm out of my holster. "Command!" I shout. "First air strikes and now a ground assault? how the hell is this happening?"

"We don't know." A stern voice replies. "But all units are readying themselves for combat."

"Damn right!" I shout back. I drop to one knee as Carson limps around the corner of a building, supporting Maddie as he goes. Aiming my pistol at the corner of the building I gesture to Maddie to go behind me.

"Sir!" she pants, "these aliens are different. they're more dangerous than these," she says kicking a dead alien.

"How so?" I ask.

"Well for one they're purple. And two they have sleek rifles that fire a more powerful bolt. Also they're stronger and faster than the blue ones."

"Well shit." I reply, sweat already starting to drip down my cheek under my helmet.

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