Day 2- 18:30

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I slide around a corner at full speed, Kate tearing after me shouting,

"Slow down J'son!" as I pull away from her. In the gathering twilight there are plenty of shadows to hide in near the outer buildings on the base. The dark woods are on my right, the bright lights of center camp on my left. I roll behind a crate and wait in silence. She gets to the crate and stands there, catching her breath. She brushes her brown hair out of her face and looks around, thinking.

I spring out from behind the crate, give her a quick kiss on the cheek and race away. She follows me, laughing as I run just out of her reach. I go from a run to a dead stop and she slams into me knocking us both over. I pivot myself so that I land on my back and she lands in my arms. We lie in the grass laughing as we calm down from the excitement of the chase.

"I really wish that everyone could have moments like these." Kate says, rolling onto her back and putting her head into the crook of my shoulder as I wrap my arm around her. "No war, no death, and no God damn aliens!"

"I know. But we're soldiers. it's our job." I say holding her close. I am leaning over to kiss her when suddenly a low siren echoes out of the base. It swells in volume then dies down and I see people running for cover. Then a black plane swoops out of the darkening sky and fires twin beams of energy from its wingtips as it flies toward us.

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