Day 11- 12:00

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An alarm blares as I continue to speak to Kate.
"We were attacked an the entire base had to evacuate. We're heading west now. We should be at your location in about thirty minutes."
"Sir!" I shout over the alarm. "What's going on?"
"A group of multiple aircraft have breached the defensive perimeter." Shouts Erica,
"That's the SSR you're shooting at!" I shout over the klaxon. Let them land and I'll talk to them.
"What?" The president says, "the legendary special science reserve? Here? Cease fire!!"
"Cease fire." Comes a murmur.
"Do you have an air traffic control tower anywhere?" I ask, politely.
"Here's the headset sir, call sign tower one." Says a young cadet.
"Thank you." I say, slipping it over my head and setting it to the right frequency. "Tower one to incoming aircraft, do you read?"
"Tower one this is jaguar 7 were on approach vector but were being shot at by enemy aircraft."
"Copy, follow your approach, fighters will assist you."
Fifteen intense minutes later I hear the sounds of multiple jets touching down a few miles away.
"Send three platoons to welcome the SSR. They most likely have civilians with them." President jade said, gesturing to a guard.
"Sir, may I join my people?" I ask and jade says yes. As Erica and I walk toward the landing site her I hear Lee shout from halfway down the street. He walks up to us, panting. A large bandage under his uniform. Before he can say anything however Erica punches him across the face. He curses and staggers back a few paces.
"What the hell were you thinking?!" She yells at him, "I can fight perfectly well on my own!" He ducks another punch but takes one in the gut.
"I..." He starts to say then Erica has her arms around him.
"And don't ever take a knife for me again. I don't like it when you're hurt."
"Yes sir." He said, a gleam in his eyes. "Now then. Let's go meet the newbies." He says walking towards where the jets had landed.


several minutes later we stand atop the crest of a hil overlooking a smal valley within the mountain. Below us dozens of planes are spread out where the landed. cargo jets, harriers, interceptors, bombers, the entire air force of the SSR is spread out before me. my helmets facial recognition scan shows me all the soldiers trying to keep the crowds of civilians under control. Their silver plasma blasters glint in the floodlights.
"Captain J'son reporting for duty sir!" I shout, saluting the general.
"Finally, someone I trust." He says, walking over, "what the hell is going on, I step off the plane after almost being shot down and I find a dozen rifles pointed at my face!"
"Sir, this place is a UNAT stronghold. Our plane was shot down and we were picked up by one of their squads."
"Hello." Erica chimes in from behind, waving.
"They've welcomed us pretty well and the rest of my squad is at their army camp. Their president should be here any minute." As if on que a black car pulls up followed by two motorcycles carrying soldiers. The car doors open and a green camo clad soldier gets out and opens the door for president Jade.
He straightens his suit and greets the general. Then they both get back in the car and it drives back towards the city. I walk through the crowd of civilians and soldiers, searching for my friends.
"J'son!" Someone calls and I am tackled by a small soldier. Her helmet is still on but she takes it off to hug me again. Its Kate and I hug her back, swinging her around as i hold her to my chest in pure joy. All of the people from my home are smiling and cheering as they witness a rare moment of happiness amidst the horrors of war. To sweeten the moment even furthur i place Kate back down on the ground and kiss her. She melts into it and the crowd cheers even louder. 

"All right lovebirds break it up." I hear Lee call, laughing, and I pull away to glare at him. Kate picks up her helmet from where she dropped it and stands next to me also glaring at Lee. "in case you havent noticed," he says, geasturing to all the people, "we have to get these folks a place to sleep and somthing to eat."

"True, true." I say and the process begins.

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