Day 11- 11:30

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I catch the knife blade in between my palms and snap the blade in half. Before the man could recover I had already swept his legs out from under him and kicked him into a table. I duck as Lee throws a punch over my head a loud crack sounds as his fist connects with another brawlers face. The man curses, blood streaming from his broken nose. "These bastards just won't give up." I mutter to Lee as we go back to back again. The group of men are just out of our reach, knives flashing. One of them charges and I sidestep his stab. I grab his arm and flip the man over my shoulder and throw him through the plate glass window that makes up the front of the bar. The glass shatters with a loud crash and I don't see the man get up. I punch another man in the stomach and hear Lee swear. One of the men got in a lucky stab and cut his side. As I am distracted by this a large man grabs my shoulder and punches me in the face. I fly backward and slam my head into a table and see stars. I get up, shaking off the pain and flip over the heads of three men and land in front of Lee as he tries to use the bar to raise himself. Blood streams from between his fingers and I stand in a relaxed stance. "Time to see what you can do." I mutter to myself and power up my glove's energy projectors. My fingertips glow a shade of cobalt and I lash out with an open handed palm strike at a group of men. A blue wave of energy is projected from my palm and slams into five of the men blasting them backwards. They all slam into the wall and slump to the floor, unconscious.
"You little piece of shit!" One of the remaining seven men yells, "alright. That tears it. Go all out." He shouts and the entire group rushes at me.
Suddenly there is a blur of green and Stel breaks a chair over the lead mans head.
"Really Erica? Really?" She yells, flipping another man into a table as I kick one in the face.
"It wasn't my fault this time!!" Erica shouts back, trying to keep Lee's wound from opening up again. I block a knife with my glove and slam my elbow into the attackers face. I pick up a bench and swing it like a baseball bat. Smashing the flat wood seat into four men and they go down for the count. Stel is holding the last man up in the air by his collar.
"You're inhuman!" He shouts, looking at me with an expression of pure terror. "What are you?!"
"I'm simply a man." I answer and Stel punches him in the face, knocking him out. "He will gladly pay for the damage." I say, picking up the mans wallet and handing it to the bartender.
"Let's get you to the medics." Stel says, helping Lee to his feet. Erica gave him a look and he smiled.
"I'll be fine. It's only a scratch" he said, kissing her on the cheek.
Erica and I are approaching the steps of the town hall when she stops me.
"Thank you for standing up for Lee back there. I've never seen anyone fight like that." She says.
"It was my pleasure." I reply, straightening my helmet on my waist. "I haven't been in a fight with anything less than eight feet tall in a long time." I joke, and Erica laughs. We walk up the steps and into the building. The guard at the door gives me a strange look as Erica shows him her ID card. We walk inside the building and Erica beckons me over to a mid sized man with brown hair.
"Captain J'son, meet President Jade. He is the leader of this city and the supreme commander of our armed forces." Erica says, saluting the man. I follow suit before shaking his hand.
"Good to meet you Captain. I hear you're quite the soldier." He says, surveying my rank insignia and weapons. Before he can say more my communicator beeps.
"Excuse me a moment." I say and I tap my wrist comm. "what is it?" I ask, aware of Erica and Mr Jade's gazes.
"Its Laurel. The commander sent us a message!" Comes a voice through he speaker built into the computer, "I think you'll want to see it."
"Patch it through." I respond and my screen flickers to life.
"Hello my friend." Says a familiar voice.
"What the hell?!?!" I shout into my comm. can this be?! She was practically dead!" I stare at the small screen in utter bewilderment. Staring back at me is the face of Kate.

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