Day 3- 6:46

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The sun is just starting to peek over the horizon as I slide around the last corner before the command center in a dead sprint. Kate is hanging on for dear life and the rest of the soldiers are close behind me. In front of the command center and the field hospital, rings of sandbags are placed in an arc. As I run towards the hospitals I see that each ring of sandbags hides a pit about 4 feet deep and housing a .50 caliber machine gun. These fox holes are occupied by two men each but several are empty. A burly man walks up to me as I place Kate in the care of Laurel and the rest of the medical staff. Ian and Carson dive into a foxhole and start setting up a machine gun as the officer yells at me about my engagement of the enemy forces a short time ago. I give him the bird and sneak over to a dark alley where thermal imaging shows an alien hiding. It's back is to me, why I have no idea, but I poke it with the barrel of my rifle.

It whirls around and knocks the rifle out of my hands, snarling. I hear a shout from the cc but I am preoccupied with my foe. I clench my fists together and a foot long blade shoots out of a sheath on each of my wrists. The alien hisses and extends it's claws. I fall into a combat stance and stare down my enemy. My helmet shows weak points in its armor and defensive stance.

It rushes at me, roaring. It's claws are extended and it's purple skin glows in the light of the floodlights that illuminate the area. I block its strike with my left blade and sever its hands with my right. The alien screams, green blood dripping from the stumps of its hands. I spin around it, jump up on it's back, knocking it to its knees where I slit it's throat with a scissoring motion from behind. The alien slumps to the ground, green blood pooling around its corpse. I sheath my blades and grab the silver rifle that is lying on the ground a few feet away. A screech rings through the air and I see multiple aliens running on the rooftops of buildings and gaining ground.

"Defensive positions!" I shout, slipping off my helmet and standing next to the makeshift hospitals entrance. "Better hurry up and get to safety." I say to the people inside, "it's going to get very ugly out here." I see Kate lying on a bed in the corner of the room. I give her a wave goodbye and she smiles and waves back her brown eyes alive with worry. I walk over to her bed and give her hand a squeeze before kissing her on the cheek. She kisses me back and I smile at her before slipping on my helmet and walking out to the battlefield. The closest foxhole has only one occupant. One of the soldiers from Laurel's platoon whom I heard Laurel call her sister. She removes her helmet and her long hair obscures her face before she swipes it away. I aim my new weapon at the crowd of enemies now assembled in front of us. They growl and snarl at us as we stand in defensive positions. Neither of us wanting to fire the first shot. Then what can only be assumed as the alien captain steps forward. It's red armor standing out in the dark.

"We give you one chance to surrender otherwise you will be annihilated." It rasps in accented English. Our commander, from his position on the front steps of the cc gives the alien the finger and loads his shotgun. "Very well." The alien says, sadness creeping into its voice. At their commanders signal the alien troops all lock and load their weapons and begin to fire volley after volley of shots at our position.

The fight for the futureHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin