Day 11- 7:45

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My muscles instantly contract, sending me into a flip as something flies past me and embeds itself in the trunk of a tree. I swing around to look for the source of the arrow when Laurel cries out. I whirl around and see a small soldier holding Laurel in front of her. A black sword leveled at her chest. Dominick then moves to free her and I duck a punch that comes put of nowhere. A stocky soldier attacks me with their fists, attempting to knock me unconscious. I swing my arm around and intercept the punch, feeing the soldier recoil at how fast I moved. They then begin to press their attack until I heard the click of a gun. At this I stop and looked back at my team. They all have their guns out, staring down the barrels of three assault rifles. I turn back around and find an arrow pointed at my face.
"You fight well." Comes a voice out of the darkness. I pull out my laser pistol and back up to join my team. Laurel is still being held hostage by the small soldier and we have three guns and an arrow pointed at us. My team all have their rifles out and are aiming at the soldiers. They are dressed in green camouflage as opposed to my squad who's all in black.
"Back up. I want to talk." Comes the voice again and a figure drops out of a nearby tree and removes it's helmet. A young girl stares back at me from the armor of a soldier. She is not much shorter than me, about 5' 7" and has black hair and piercing blue eyes. She tucks her helmet under her arm and offers me her hand.
"Lieutenant Erica of the 5th marine division UNAT at your service." She says, shaking my outstretched hand. I remove my helmet. I nod at my teammates and they do the same.
"Captain J'son of the SSR." I say in response. "Your team is quite good. I was unable to detect them before they shot at me."
"Yea...sorry about Stel. She can be a bit trigger happy, or in this case string happy, sometimes." Erica said, laughing. "What are you doing here anyway?"
"We were on a mission to recover some drugs from a facility in new Los Angeles but our plane got shot down."
"I could tell." She answered. "you guys look like you need some help. Let's go back to my base and I'll see if the commander is willing to help."
"Alright. How are we getting there?" I ask, looking around for a truck or plane.
"By car. Stel! Ana! Mount up!" She shouts, slipping on her helmet.
"Let's go!" I shout to my team, clicking my helmet into place. My entire squad along with Erica's begins to run westward.
We run for about thirty minutes when we come upon three jeeps covered in camouflage netting. Erica's squad takes the drivers seats and machine gun turrets of the three vehicles and I jump into the passenger seat of the lead vehicle. Once all twelve soldiers are belted in Erica drives off on a barley noticeable road in the pitch darkness the other two jeeps drive next to, but a little behind Erica's jeep. I switch on my night vision as the jeep jumps a creek at ninety miles per hour. A shriek comes out of the darkness and I tense up. My hand going to my pistol.
"No need to worry." Erica calls, "that bastard's miles away. And he can't even catch up to us." She emphasizes her point as we take a hairpin turn at top speed.
Soon we arrive at two massive gates barring our progress through the canyon we've been driving through. The steel grey chain link gate is lit by two massive floodlights that instantly shine in our eyes as soon as we get close.
"God dammit Reese! Do you have to do that every fucking time?!?!" Erica yells and the lights instantly go off.
"Sorry sorry. You know I have to do it. It's my job." Says a boy walking forward to open the gates. When he sees me he freezes and pulls out his gun. "Who are they? What are they doing with you?" He shouts, panic creeping into his voice.
"They're fine Reese. They're completely safe. I've seen them in action. They only want to kill the enemy."
"Enemy of my enemy is my friend." I say and Erica laughs and says to the gatekeeper.
"Let us in Reese. I think the commander will be interested in their skills."

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