Three years earlier...

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We sat in the middle of the back of the theater. The lights still relatively bright as the movie hadn't started yet. I went in first, sitting the farthest from the isle, then Kate follows, sitting down in the seat next to me. Maddie and Carson took the last two seats. We talk for a few minutes about what we had done that day. The lights dimmed slightly as the previews started. We watched several previews, all for different movies. Then the lights dimmed all the way and the theatre was plunged into darkness as the movie started.

About five minutes into the movie, I decided to put my arm around Kate's shoulder. She didn't object and leaned her head into the crook of my arm. As the movie went on she snuggled closer to me. it was a rather sad movie about a girl lingering in the brink of death and trying to decide whether or not to stay. there were some tear jerking moments and I held Kate even closer when they occured. maggie and carson didnt even seem to notice that we were like this and the four of us enjoyed the movie in peace.

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