Day 11-10:00

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The gates open with a clatter and Erica drives forward through the entrance. Once inside we hop out of the jeep and are led towards a large door set in the side of the mountain. Reese holds the door open and Erica and Stel go in first. Then I follow and my squad behind me followed by Ana and the rest of Erica's squad. We enter an elevator and descend for about five minutes. In that time I remove my helmet and clip it onto my belt. My rifle is still attached to my back and I keep a hand on my pistol for caution. Once the doors open we are greeted by cheerful lights and the low murmur of many people conversing. Six guards jump up from their positions at the security checkpoint and make a wall across the hallway, guns aimed at us.
"Stand down." A voice calls from behind them and a tall man walks out and stands there looking at us. "Who are these people?" He asks Erica, indicating us. "Captain J'son of the SSR at your service." I say to they man, offering my hand out. "Lieutenant Lee. UNAT." The man replies, shaking my hand. He sweeps his hand through his black hair and I notice his unnatural green eyes. His camouflage uniform hangs a little loose on his frame but he looks very strong. "Pleased to meet you. We should go straight to the commander. Hell want to speak with you. Shall we?" he asks, offering Erica his arm. She punches him and laughs, but takes his hand anyway. I can't help chuckling to my self as I follow the two lieutenants through the checkpoint and into the base. My squad was led in another direction and I followed Erica and Lee down another hallway towards a small door. Once we reach it Lee seems to relax and says, "man I hate being the upstanding officer all the time." Lee says, "All this 'yes sir, no sir' crap I have to deal with. Now then, let's have some fun." He says and opens the door.
A wave of noise washes over me and I am stunned by what I see. A fully functional city had been built inside the mountain. Houses, shops, even a large mall. A white town hall dominates the center of the town and I see a large military complex off to the west. "Welcome to new Denver." Erica says indicating the city with a sweeping gesture. "The general is currently in the town hall. That's why we're going there."
"Oh. Okay, cool." I say as we walk down a small hill and into the city.
Clearly Lee doesn't want to go speak to the general because he takes a meandering path towards the city center. Street vendors give me samples of foods I've never tasted before. I try a roll of rice, something they call avocado and seaweed which dosent taste half bad. Lee described it as a roll before the vendor gave me one.
Loud music echoes out of a building and Lee walks toward it. "Care for a drink, Captain?" Lee asks me, as he and Erica head over to the bar. Once I step inside the pub I am assaulted by noise, lights and smells. Lee sits next to Erica at the bar, chatting with some of the other patrons. I sit down next to them and place my helmet on the counter. The bartender walks over and lee orders him and Erica a beer. I ask for a White Russian and survey the room "Weve got ourselves a cultured officer here." Lee Jokes as my glass clacks on the counter. I thank the bartender and walk over to a corner and watch the two lieutenants, trying to figure out their personalities. A large man flops down next to Erica and tries to talk to her. Clearly he says something that Lee didn't want to hear because his expression changed. He tries to push the man away but he's too drunk to notice. I walk over to the bar but I'm too late. Lee has already blown it. He throws the man out of his chair and the entire bar goes silent. "You wanna say that again?!" Lee shouts, grabbing the man's collar.
"You're outnumbered son." Comes a voice from a group of about twelve men who have formed a group and are bearing down on him. I slide up next to Lee and whisper 

"Diplomacy has failed?"

"Damn right it has." Lee whispers back as he drops the man on the floor. Lee is just barely able to block a lighning fast punch that comes from the man he just released. 

"No one touches me like that and expects to get away with it." the man shouts, "lets teach these two cocky bastards a lesson theyll never forget. Boys?" he asks and all the men pull out knives and form a circle around us. Instantaniously Lee and I go back to back in a combat stance staring down the horde of men. Erica gives Le a pleading look but he shrugs it off. 

"Time to see what youre made of kid."  Lee asks as two men run at us, knives aimed for the center of our chests.

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