Day 12 1:30

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I am greeted by a spray of green blood right in my face. "Shit!" I swear, ducking down and rolling to the left as Kate dives out behind me. The land sloping up to where the stone of the mountain begins is a mass of dead and dying aliens. But these aliens are different. They are approximately six feet tall and have a diamond shaped body with six legs and jaws covered in razor sharp teeth. (See picture) They are a mottled green almost camouflage color and run out of the forest in one continuous wave. As they rush at our position I notice a small group of people valiantly trying to hold off the horde. Kate and I fire our weapons into the mass of aliens that have used the bodies of their brethren to form a pile that enables them to breach our defenses but it's no use. We watch in horror as one man is picked up in an aliens jaws and literally torn in half. His lower body goes flying off into the night and his torso hits the wall above us showering me with blood and organs. Only three men remain and it doesn't look good. Their assault rifles seem to have no effect, taking chunks out of the aliens bodies but they just keep coming. Our plasma rifles have a little more of an effect, only taking two shots to kill an alien instead of half a clip but there's too many. One man screams as an alien gores through him with its two front legs, punching through the armor like it didn't exist, the man's cries go silent as the bug slices through him again. "Command!" I shout into my comm, flinging a grenade at the group of aliens. "We need immediate backup in the O region! We're under attack by some kind of alien bug!"
"I second that request!" Kate cries, firing her rifle at anything with more than two legs.
"Copy that. Sending backup now." A voice replies.
"We've got to hold out until backup arrives." I say, squeezing Kate's hand. A cry echoes through the air as the bugs finish tearing apart the last of the soldiers. We stand shoulder to shoulder against the door, firing our weapons into the bodies of the alien swarm. Soon we are covered in blood and gore and the smell of burned bug has filled the air. The massive bugs close in and our continuous stream of plasma does nothing to diminish their hordes. One bug gets inside our defensive position and rears up on its hind legs screaming in attack. I sweep my gun up, firing madly into the bugs underbelly. As the beast falls its foreleg pierces my chest, going straight through my sternum and coming out of my back. I roar in pain and black spots dance before my eyes. "J'son!" Kate cries, ripping the spear like leg out of my body causing me more pain. The last thing I see is Kate standing over me fending off the bugs as a helicopter fires bullets and explosives into the horde. Then everything goes dark.

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