Two years ago...

52 3 0

A soldier kicked in the burning door, swearing through the gas mask that obscured his face. He yelled something out of the room as I struggled to throw a piece of wreckage off of some of the other students. Seconds later two more soldiers entered the burning room and began dragging people out, living or dead. I ushered Kate out of the room as the sounds of battle intensified outside. I was greeted by two more masked soldiers, guns pointed down the hallway. One of them tossed me two gas masks which I strapped over Kate's face then my own. She was still shaking in fear from the near death expirience we both had so I gave her a hug to reasure her. She grabbed my hand as we raced to the front of the building, the soldiers herding our classmates in front of them as the covered our escape. A roar echoed behind us but we kept running. Two black helicopters waited outside the building, a dozen soldiers fired into the smoke as something advanced toward the school. I helped Kate into the closest copter then I heard a scream. A soldier had gone down, a burn wound in his chest. I grabbed his weapon for good measure and jumped into the helicopter as it's rotors began to spin. With most of the students crowded onto one helicopter the soldiers jumped onto the other as it rose into the air. Once we were about a hundred feet in the air I began to relax, huging Kate tight and holding her as we flew away from our battle damaged school.

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