To The Queen's Lair

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WEARING A red-colored off-shoulder outdoor dress with black diamonds adorning it, Tori twirled one more time in front of Lily who was clapping her hands with pure delight.

"You look so beautiful, Lady Tori!" Lily was teary-eyed the whole time they were preparing, which caused Tori to laugh. "You must wear this now. It arrived this morning, the late Duchess' tiara, which you customized for today's event."

Tori stared at the tiara. They now adorned it with rubies unlike before when they adorned it with clear white diamonds. Her father gave this tiara to the late Duchess. And the other night, the Duke summoned her just to give her this tiara.

The late Duchess wore this when she got married and now Tori's wearing it on her seventeenth birthday, wherein she will be properly introduced to the high society. Tori hated the tiara the very first time she saw it. They adorned it with glistening diamonds that screamed purity, which was something that Tori was not. So she replaced it with rubies to show subtlety about her no-bullshit attitude.

Placing the tiara above her styled bun, Tori faced her handmaidens who were there the whole time.

"Are you sure you will not wear a necklace, Lady Tori?" Alya, Tori's handmaiden, asked her again.

I need to have space if I want to wear the Jewel Eyes of Rhea, but I can't tell you guys yet.

"I want to remain simple and who knows, someone might gift me a necklace." Tori jokingly replied Alya. The latter's eyes sparkled. "Lady Tori, the princes might gift you that." She was gushing like a dog in heat.

"Alya," Lily scolded the poor Alya.

"It's okay, Lily. So, shall we go to my very own birthday party?"

A knock stopped them. A very shocked Johanes came into her room with her sponsor in tow.

"You did not tell them that I am your sponsor, I see." The entertained smile of Queen Aurina did not ease the shock of the people around Tori as she came inside her room.

Why should I? That very look of surprise is something that I am looking forward in this party after all.

"I intend to start this party with a bang, Your Majesty." Tori made a courtesy together with her bowing handmaidens in front of the Queen, Prince Corean's mother.

"Shall we surprise them then, Lady Victoria?"

Tori did not bother to hide her evil smile in front of the queen. "It would be my pleasure, Your Majesty."

They were walking side by side towards the assembly hall. Their handmaidens were just behind the two of them as they walked with confidence. And when Johanes announced her arrival, Tori heard audible gasps from everywhere. Everyone seems to freeze like a sick comedy film.

Her mocking red eyes went straight to her half-sister.

I will always be the center of attention, dearest sister. Bow down to me, loser. After all, my sponsor is the queen.

Contempt and anger were visible on Sabina's face. Oh, we're just getting started, dear sister.

-Two days before Victoria's Birthday-

ROWAN TROTTED inside her room. Tori immediately knew what he was doing in her room. After all, Tori only assigned Rowan two tasks. The first task is to ensure the safety of her beloved KANON camera developer. The second task is to secure all the letters from the Information Guild since her dear KANON camera developer had already sent her a message about his development the other day. Then the letter that Rowan was carrying came from the Information Guild.

From Prince Corean specifically.

Four days after their meeting, Tori was only waiting for the letter to arrive. This only showed how Prince Corean loved his mother.

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