The Original Victoria's Sorrow

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"That is good news, Victoria! Why did you apply for the Trifecta Academy?" He was genuinely amazed and in awe of his daughter's achievement.

Trust me, I wanna know too. What were you thinking, Victoria?

Tori tried to remember the scene of the second male lead's flashback. In the Netflix Series, Zeno Mcmillian who's one of the second leads was a top scholar. In the flashback, Zeno prepared a detailed essay about what will he contribute to the Empire should the academy accept him.

Then, did Victoria prepare an essay too? And she passed and got even invited? But according to the Netflix Series, only those who are old enough may take the entrance exam. And Zeno was fifteen years old when he came to the academy.

"I uh, I just want to deserve the Rozenreff name, father." Tori just guessed the reasoning behind the action of the original Victoria.

Why do I feel that I am being blindsided by the Netflix Series? Was this revealed in Season 6 which I didn't get to watch? Because I am sure as hell that I didn't watch any scene about Victoria's invitation from the prestigious Trifecta Academy during any other seasons.

"You will be the youngest to be invited to take the entrance exam, Victoria. Having that privilege is enough to call you a Rozenreff. I am so proud of you."

Tori didn't act it nor like it, but her body just reacted on its own upon hearing those last six words from the Duke. Her tears fell as her heart ached, an ache called longing.

That's when Tori realized why the original Victoria did it. She just wanted to hear those six words from her father. And she didn't even get to hear those words until the day she died.

More tears fell as unwanted memories flashed inside Tori's mind. The original Victoria's suffering to study secretly at night when everyone was asleep. The original Victoria who had a lot of nosebleeds and where no one tended to her, everything was a painful memory of hard work which was never recognized.

"Victoria!" The Duke rushed to her side and hugged Tori's petite form. He cradled her in his chest, which made Tori's body shed more tears.

Even Tori was hurting for the suffering of the original Victoria.

But why? Why didn't she pursue this opportunity when she worked so hard? Is it because of Sabina or the Duke? I can't tell, but it is better to observe after the entire estate knew about this.

"Are you calm now?" He was stroking her hair.

Tori slightly move away from him as she dried her tears, "I am sorry for that shameful behavior, father. I am just happy to hear those words from you."

Victoria longed for those words, but you only told me that now after I acted differently. Why?

"I am your father. I don't care what you do, Victoria. You are mine to protect."

Then why didn't you protect your daughter?

Why did you coldly look at her behind those cold bars in the cell?

Why did you forsake her?

Why Duke Luwen Rozenreff?

Tori just smiled at him, which earned her a ruffle to her hair.

"Did the letter tell you a date?"

"Yes, father. It would be a week from now in the Trifecta Academy."

"That far. Hmm. I will let the captain of Rozenreff Knights escort you. You can also bring Rowan and Lillian with you. So all you have to do is do your best."

"Thank you, Father. I will make you proud."

"I know you will."

JUST AS expected, the news about her achievement spread like wildfire in the Rozenreff estate. Butler Johanes confirmed the news, and Lily was boasting it like a proud mother hen. Because of the watchful eyes of the spy, Mia, Tori had to pretend how delighted she was.

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