You Are Just A Man

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TORI DID not realize when she fell asleep.

Well, whatever.

She did not open her eyes yet as she tried to control her breathing. She could feel that she was not the only person in the infirmary. Tori wanted to know who were the other people inside her room, so she pretended to be asleep. Well, that was the only thing she was best at ever since she transmigrated: pretending.

"You are always like this. You are always in front of me no matter how I run to catch up with you. And when I thought I can finally grasp you, I would realize that it's just all a mirage." Heartfelt words of Duke Rowan Castaña echoed inside the room. Tori was taken aback for a split second after noticing the genuine care from the pawn she never really put to mind.

This was the road she had chosen in order to survive. Tori herself could not distinguish what was genuine and what was pretense in her actions anymore.

She knew that she was being selfish when she decided not to let him know. But she needed him to get angry with her.

You have yet to realize how strong you are, Rowan. You will be the key to controlling the noble faction. You will be my spear and shield in this long game.

Tori felt his feathery touch on her left cheek as if he was hesitating. Tori was about to open her eyes to end this awkward situation when the door burst open. The sound of the door banging on the wall was followed by a screeching sound from a chair being flipped.

What is it this time?

"Why are you here, your highness?" The young duke's thundering voice resonated with the second prince's response. "My business is my own, Duke Rowan. Know your place."

Duke Rowan mockingly scoffed. "Mind my place? How about you, your highness? Shouldn't you be by that criminal's side?"

Damn, I feel so beautiful. Well, I will pretend longer to boost my ego. I need to recharge my ego after that sewer rat interrupted my plan A.

"I am warning you, Duke Castaña. Leave." The dominance in his voice was oozing with authority that could not be bent.

Tori heard some footsteps then it suddenly halted. "Remember this, your highness. I will use every ounce of power to put that woman in her rightful place. No one hurts Lady Tori and gets away with this. I may be the Duke of Castaña Duchy now but the irrefutable fact that I am her knight never and will never change." The footsteps resumed followed by the door being opened and closed.

"I know you're awake so spare me the pretense and face me, Lady Victoria."


With her eyes closed, Tori smiled wickedly before opening her red eyes just to meet a pair of cold golden ones. "I have a lovely knight, yeah? His loyalty is priceless, I tell you." Tori tried to sit but every time she moved, her body protested making her flinch from time to time.

A pair of gentle yet firm hands guided her gently. Tori was frozen for a split second before she raised her walls higher than before. His chest was on her face as he set her pillows at her back to make her comfortable. His familiar scent whipped Tori's senses momentarily. She forgot this gentle side of the second prince.

Deciding to tease him, Tori kissed his open neck which made him stop before her. Tori could feel his rigid body.

As I said, you're just a man.

Prince Corean distanced himself away from her like she would eat him alive if he came near her. Combing her golden ringlets to her uninjured shoulder, Tori glanced at the second prince. "So, what do you want to talk about with me, your highness?"

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