Breaking Marchioness Susana

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"Rise. You ladies can now leave us. I will need to talk to my sons. I will summon you again a week from now," said His Majesty.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

As Tori spun, her gaze met Prince Lauren's heated stare as if he was burning holes in her. She politely bowed her head before she continued walking away from the king's sight. But before she could truly leave, her eyes met those golden ones who were throwing daggers at her through his eyes.

And he said I'm a woman when he was acting like a bitch in heat.

Tori also bowed to the second prince right after she gave him a discreet wink.

The moment the huge double doors of the throne room closed, Tori gracefully spun in the direction of the northern castle where she would be waiting for Prince Corean. But after taking a few steps, she was stopped by the banshee-like voice of her half-sister. "You are a greedy little bitch, sister." Sabina walked towards her so Tori waited for her before she continued walking.

The graceful steps of the two ladies and their smiling faces would fool the royal knights stationed in every column of the palace. But between the two ladies, a brewing storm was taking being exchanged. "Oh? Haven't you learned something after the loss you incurred against me? Greed is my last name, dearest sister," Tori said with a sardonic smile. A pair of ruby red eyes gleamed with mockery and cruelty.

Sabina's face flushed red from anger but her smile never wavered. After all, she was in the Imperial Palace. The walls had ears and the servants were either spies or assassins. "Best of luck for the first task then. By the way, I heard how you chased His Highness Prince Corean like a desperate dog wagging your tail to a master that doesn't need you."

Tori pivoted to where Sabina was. Raising her eyebrows with a mocking smile, Tori replied with her infamous sugary smile to her sister.

"Look at how loud you bark. We are indeed dogs chasing bones like crazy. Oh, I mean for you. After all, I still have the Rozenreff Duchy. Worry not, sister of mine. I will surely employ you." Tori tapped Sabina's right shoulder before leaving her seething sister.

You are only this confident since the noble faction is behind you together with that treacherous Marchioness Susana. That reminds me...

Tori's steps were with purpose as she strode towards the northern castle's greenhouse. Nothing much had changed in the second prince's residence aside from the fact that Tessa's disappearance brought great joy for Tori.

Suddenly, the air in the northern castle had become less polluted without that wench's presence. Upon this thought, Tori's steps became lighters as a small curve carved on her blood-red lips.

It is nice to enjoy a pest-free life.

The moment her foot stepped into the greenhouse, Tori immediately saw the sitting silhouette of the person she would be meeting today. The one person that Tori looked forward to meeting today compared to the king.

Upon seeing her, the person stood up to greet her even with wariness oozing from her stance.

"Lady Victoria Rozenreff, a pleasant afternoon."

Tori curtsied back with equal grace. "A pleasant afternoon indeed, Marchioness Susana. Please have a sit though forgive me if I made you wait. I was held up by my loving sister who never failed to show how she fancies me, I must say."

"There is nothing to forgive, Lady Victoria."

No pastries or tea were served since this meeting was not approved formally by the northern castle's owner, Prince Corean. But the middle-aged Marchioness seem to not mind the lack of common courtesy as she fidgeted in her seat which made Tori all the more entertained.

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