Tori's Tears

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"YOU WANT everything, you said. You want the throne. Tell me, should I look after my back once you obtain the throne?"

Tori walked closer to the second prince. When Prince Corean saw that she did not have any intention to stop charging, he started to walk backward until he was stopped and trapped by the wall. Tori bit back her grin upon seeing Prince Corean's scared expression. His forehead glistened with sweat as he leaned back his body away from her which was very futile.

Cornering the flushed second prince to the wall with her both hands and her right knee in between his knees, Tori pinned her body to his as she traced his neck down to his chest using her right hand's nails. They were in a compromising position but no one dared to interrupt them even the lurking royal knights around them. Tori's breath tickled his neck which earned her a shiver from him. "Yes, I want all. But the throne is not everything, your highness."

His looming golden eyes looked down at her as his uneven breathing lulled Tori to lean down on him more. "What more do you want?"

"I want the throne but I also want you, Prince Corean Shuia Eckrett."

I want you to crown me Queen Regent so no one will have the power to execute me.

Tori's sly red eyes met his flustered golden ones as she whispered those words at the corner of his lips.

THE NEXT days that followed became a nightmare for Tori. She wanted to shout with her pent-up frustrations but she opted to stay cool. Tori turned the northern castle her second home other than the Trifecta Academy. Strangling the second prince was becoming a nice option for her as days stretched.

On her first day, Prince Corean ordered her to wait in front of his throne room. Tori waited for hours and hours. She even skipped her lunch much to Lily's dismay that was with her the whole time. But the blasted prince did not even have the decency to say no to her face instead he ordered just someone from his knight to tell her to leave.

The next day, Prince Corean made Tori serve him his breakfast which was a handmaiden's job. Gritting her teeth, Tori obeyed with a smiling face but it only ticked him off so he did not eat what she served, leaving her humiliated in front of his servants. Tori knew how the high society talked about her behind her back but she chose to ignore it. She had more pressing matters to attend to.

And now was her third day prancing inside the castle walls but the second prince had yet to open his throne room to meet her. He denied her even the slightest respect she deserved, not as Lady Victoria Rozenreff, but as a lady alone.

But I am Victoria Rozenreff, losing is not in my vocabulary.

Tori walked with her head held high towards the second prince's chambers. Behind her was a sullen-looking Lily, who was not happy with the train of events these past few days.

The familiar double doors of Prince Corean's chamber guarded by two royal knights welcomed Tori as she pivoted to the corner. She hated the sympathy she saw in the knights' eyes as they glanced at her briefly.

How dare you.

"Lady Rozenreff, His Highness is about to eat his breakfast." Just as Tori was about to push open the doors, a newly arrived knight appeared together with a handmaiden who was holding the tray for the second prince. On the tray were a Chamomile tea and a typical noble breakfast which consists of ham, eggs, and éclair.

Raising her eyebrows, Tori spun towards the handmaiden and she snatched the tray from the handmaiden's grasp. "My lady!" the handmaiden protested with worry laced in her voice.

"I will take this to Prince Corean," said Tori without looking back at the protesting knights. Tori already deduced that the second prince maybe gave them a specific instruction not to let her in.

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