So Beg

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COURT TRIAL, a trial for the commoners to be judged by the noble council. Unlike the noble trial where the king will judge, an appointed noble will judge this court trial.

Tori was among the audience from the high society. Beside her were Crown Prince Yei Lin and Lily sitting behind her. Their seats were situated above the common folk's. Since this trial involved royalty and a commoner, the high society and the commoners flocked to the court trial more.

Private seats were also reserved for the queen and the second prince who would attend today's meeting. Their seat was facing their seat which Tori arranged with the help of the queen's connections.

"Announcing the arrival of Queen Aurina Eckrett and Prince Corean Shuia Eckrett!" Everyone showed their respect to the royal family members. When everyone was seated, the chancellor announced again.

"Announcing the arrival of the accused, Tessa!"

At the same door where Tori entered with a veil a year ago, a clean-looking Tessa with no tears in her eyes walked with ease and confidence.

Aah, the confidence. This will make everything worthwhile.

Tell me, did the two of you talk? Did he promise you that everything will be alright? Did he whisper sweet nothings to you?

Tori saw how the second prince looked at Tessa with worry. Even the queen could not believe what she was seeing in his eyes.

Worry not, Your Majesty.

Tori's smiling red eyes bore onto Tessa as the latter walked right into the center where she would be the judge. The commoners whispered vile things against the accused but Tori knew that deep down they envied Tessa for bagging a royalty. The nobles and aristocrats from high society spoke of vulgar words against Tessa but deep down they also felt the burning jealousy running through their rancid veins.

And right now, Tori was feeling the same emotion the majority of the audience was feeling. She hated the fact that Tessa got it easy. The deep burning hate for the wretched plot came back like an avalanche for Tori.

Here you are, Tessa. You were just used by the first prince that led you here, but someone would fight tooth and nail just for you to live. What a cozy role, huh?

"Careful, Lady Tori. Your face is getting scary."

Realizing that she was showing her real emotion, Tori just released a heavy sigh before turning to the observant crown prince who was just looking at her the entire time. Her sugary smile came back like a mask in a circus. "I was just wondering how that smug look will change when they both realize the outcome of this pathetic court trial."

The chancellor finally stood above the podium to welcome the court trial's noble judge. With the confidence shown in the second prince's eyes, she could deduce that he rigged the noble who would judge the court trial.

As soon as the chancellor started to open his mouth, Tori shifted her attention to her dear darling prince who was now seriously looking at the happenings below them. "Announcing the noble judge selected by the noble council for this court trial, Duke Rowan Cristof Castaña of the Castaña Duchy!"

Tori enjoyed the way the confident smile slipped slowly from their smug-looking faces. His golden eyes shifted to meet her smiling red eyes.

Tori mouthed one-word 'beg'.

DUKE ROWAN was just waiting for that one signal that Tori would give. But the latter was busy staring at the second prince. Her red eyes shone wickedly to match the glaring golden eyes of the second prince.

Do you want to test my power, Prince Corean?

Tori tapped her wrist in front of the second prince to show him that time was ticking as they were dumbly staring at each other.

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