Trifecta Academy's Invitation

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"I want three things that only the two of you can give me. First, I want some gold under the identity of Benefactor T. Second, I wished to be an unofficial member of the aristocratic faction in which I wanted to gain access to the faction's connection in the future. And third, I want Prince Corean to never forget my deed after I make him king, hence he'll have to grant me a wish and I promise it won't harm him or the Empire."

The two realized Tori planned all of these. The second prince even suspected that Tori knew his identity all along. But they didn't know that Tori only took a gamble for the sake of her best course of action.

Lady M and the second prince agreed and signed an oath contract. An oath contract was a sacred contract and only a few choose to use this. After signing and reading all the terms and conditions, the three burned the contract together. It was a sign that it was a promise that only the three of them knew. As nobles, Lady M and the second prince respected the oath contract, leaving Tori to feel secure.

INSTEAD OF going back to the estate, Tori lingered in the Pivet Alley located at the back alley of the capital. After accomplishing her second task, Tori decided not to waste time and used this opportunity to make her third task set into motion. She also knew that someone from the Information Guild was following them, but she instructed Rowan and Lily to pretend that they didn't know.

"Rowan, do you know someone who sells things that is something peculiar? A magician of some sort."

Rowan stopped to ponder for a while, "I knew nothing of any magician in this alley, but I knew someone who sells something peculiar. I heard he created it too, though it didn't sell."

Of course, it won't sell. The shop is in the Pivet Alley, where prideful nobles never linger for shopping. And the neighborhood won't buy these things since they're too busy to find something to eat. This dirty alley is hiding a gold mine, and that will be exclusively mine to bargain and use.

"Lead the way, kind sir." Tori joked at him, which made him smile.

"Be careful, my lady." Lily reminded her when she clung to Rowan. She was glad that Rowan was now comfortable with her. The loyalty she wished wouldn't feel so far anymore.

Rowan led Tori and Lily to a shop that was smaller than the Turvy. It has no signboard or any sign of a customer. When they entered the shop, there was no one to greet them but peculiar things varying from the smallest odd things to table-sized ones. What piqued her attention was the covered thing in the corner.

"What are you doing here?" A gruff voice suddenly said. And there a plump old man with a pair of glasses came trotting in.

What a friendly reception. I'm giving you a negative score for customer service, old man.

"I came here to strike a deal," Tori discreetly showed him her necklace that was bearing the Rozenreff insignia.

"Y-you're!" It startled the old shop owner upon seeing her family crest. "Close the windows and lock the door, young man." The old man instructed Rowan, which the latter immediately followed.

The person sent by the Information Guild was just outside the shop. And the spy would probably go back and report to Lady M and Prince Corean. The two would surely wonder what she's doing in a small and dingy odd shop in the middle of Pivet Alley. If they would investigate this shop, they would only find out that there or nothing special here if they didn't mind the peculiar things the shop sells.

You two will disregard this information after not finding anything, only to be reminded of this information two years from now when the KONON camera became popular in high society. Well, maybe two years too long.

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