Woven Web Of Conspiracies

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When Crown Prince Yei went back to his seat, the two young men bumped fists with him which made Tori shake her head. Tori's focus turned to the information passed by the king to her.

Tori asked it for herself. Even the three young men wondered why she needed that information. After all, what she was asking was the list of all recognized diseases in the world and their details although; the last part was the list of medicines and their uses.

"Why are you asking for those? You even included the newly recognized diseases." Crown Prince Yei Lin asked her with wonder, the same question that Rowan and Crown Prince Allistair were thinking.

"Someone important for our future will die this month and no it is not from assassination but a plague that the empire will not expect. Hundreds of thousands will die and that person will be one of the casualties. I need to stop that."

The look of disbelief reflected on their faces after listening to what she said. Her once smiling face was now emotionless as she looked straight at them to convey her feelings.

That's right. I have no intention to busy myself with the second prince's antics. There's still a bigger issue that needed to be resolved. The fact that Prince Corean's death is one season earlier than the original plot is something that I am wary of. At least, like in Season 2, the clues of his impending death never changed.

Like the original plot, the construction of the dam was the clue that the plague will start that month. And four days ago, I heard from Johanes that Father is the one in charge of the construction of the new dam.

I need to stop this plague or prevent it. So to do so, I will need information.

"Before we dwell into the roots of this matter, we must plan first how to get Zeno McMillian Larat to our side. After all, he pledged his loyalty to the noble faction."

It irritated Tori that in one year, the original plot was able to stay no matter how big she intervened. The betrayal of Zeno McMillian Larat of the House Larat under the aristocratic faction still happened.

I must get you Zeno McMillian before that wench will get her claws in you since you are supposed to fall in love with her. I will get you and use you to make the antidote for me. After all, you were the one who created the miraculous cure in the original plot. But that happened after Prince Corean's death and I won't let that happen again.

Death has no right to take away the king candidate of my choosing, that role is mine. It should be me who will dictate that for the second prince. Not the plague, not the noble faction, and not even death.

THE ONE YEAR THAT I only saw you from afar has been good to you, Prince Lauren. Tori thought.

Queen Aurina summoned Tori again for reasons beyond her comprehension but what welcomed her was Prince Lauren Eckrett. Tori observed that he grew taller like Prince Corean and became leaner than a year before.

Clad in her black-colored off-shoulder outdoor dress, her bare neck laid before the cunning first prince. He inspected her body without respect and as if she appreciated what he saw, he smiled like a total pervert.

"Blessings to the Empire's star, Prince Lauren." Tori curtsied in front of him to which he replied with a simple nod. What bothered Tori was his smiling face.

The exquisite flowers in front of the northern castle's garden at the back of the first prince almost made him look like a prince charming straight out of a fairytale's page. Only, he was a viper hiding in a beautiful prince charming façade of his.

"Are you here to persuade that brother of mine to leave that poor commoner?" Prince Lauren's sapphire eyes met hers as he took one step at a time toward her still form. Tori did everything to smile like she usually did in front of everybody. "Has the stories about Lady Victoria Rozenreff, the tamer of the Monakre's iron nobles and the Ming country's scorpion, finally ended? With the way I see things, you are hopelessly clinging to someone that never wants you." The first prince encircled her as a predator would do to its prey.

Tori did not falter as she saw a pair of golden eyes looking at them from afar with a pesky little at in tow.

Watch this, Prince Corean.

Tori finally looked at the first prince's eyes. "With the way I see things, his highness is also clinging to someone who never and will never want you," Tori answered with sarcasm oozing from her voice which contradicted her sweet voice and sugary smile.

His sapphire eyes sharpened for a split second before smiling back at her.

This man is a dangerous being. Underestimating him will be my downfall if I will not be careful.

"You're existence is such a curiosity, Lady Victoria. You chew your family just to be the official heir. Even beasts do not eat their family. Tell me, will you chew my brother too?"

Tori's sugary smile never left her face even for a second. Instead of answering his bait, Tori baited him back which made his smile fall. "Would you rather be my meal then, your highness? I see that great concern you have with the second prince. I am a believer in love between siblings. I can change my plans and chew you instead."

His clenching jaws were enough for Tori to know that he lost the trap that he had set. She knew that he was just baiting her to give in since the second prince was showing weakness through Tessa.

"Since you are here already. Why don't you deliver this invitation for Queen Aurina for me, Lady Victoria? I was on my way there just now. And this one is for you." Prince Lauren handed her two invitations.

Without waiting for her reply, the first prince left as if Tori was his servant. It was his way to remind her of her inferior status compared to him.

What a brat.

Glancing towards the area where he saw the two, Tori realized that they were long gone. Tori continued towards the queen's palace. She needed the queen to know about her plan. After all, she would need the help of the queen.

THE FLOCK of nobles and aristocrats welcomed Tori and Sabina as they entered the assembly hall where the location for the invite was situated. The grandeur of the place would reflect that the party was something both factions celebrated though it was the noble faction who sponsored the grand party for Sir Oswald, the magician who created the KONON camera.

After a year of polishing his invention, Oswald finally presented his masterpiece to me as I am his Benefactor T who provided him with all the necessary resources and protection for his research for the KONON camera. Half of my profit share from Oolong Tea went to this investment of mine. And now, he's finally introducing the KONON camera to high society. Of course, only those whom I trusted knew that I am Benefactor T behind Oswald. The noble faction, specifically my father, is the primary sponsor today. Marquess Zoliel is also peacocking for Oswald to agree that he'll work under his trading company.

Like in the original plot, Oswald would be sponsored and introduced by the noble faction. The only difference was the fact that all the nobles did not know that I am the one behind Oswald. What Marquess Zoliel did not realize was the fact that Oswald would destroy him in the nearest future.

Tori looked around for Sabina just to see her talking with Duke Luwen and Marquess Zoliel.

Ah, will you look at that? What a picture-perfect family.

Since Tori became a debutante, men from different houses eyed her like fresh meat. Being a queen bee in her past life as Talia, she already knew how to handle this kind of situation. Tori walked to a corner while simply observing the party.

The soft melody from the orchestra set the mood right as everyone was happily inspecting the items although most of them came here for the nobles who sponsored the party and not the KONON cameras themselves.

Which will later change. You will flock to this invention. After all, there's a reason why the nobles invited the opposing faction and the royal family.

I am sure this is one of my father's plans with Marquess Zoliel.

Seconds turned into minutes, Tori saw the arrival of Lady M who was glumly looking at Zeno McMillian as the latter trotted towards the noble faction's flock.

You will have your time, Zeno. But before that, I will use you to my heart's desire.

Amid the grandeur of the area and the bustling atmosphere among peers, a couple of malicious webs had been woven at the back of their minds. Behind the smiling nobles and aristocrats was a hidden blade, ready to stab and steal for the glory and one's heart's desire.

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