War Of Evidence

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Marquess Zoliel immediately stood. His face held smug confidence as she walked towards the podium where Tori was standing like a statue. 

"At the night when Lady Sabina was poisoned with Arasthai, the knights found the locket where the poison was hidden in the room of Lady Victoria. Since we discovered immediately that Lady Sabina was poisoned, the entire Rozenreff estate became subject to a search warrant. Two hours later, the poison-covered locket was found in Lady Victoria's room. What gave Lady Victoria the motive to kill her sister is the fact that Duke Rozenreff summoned Lady Victoria on the afternoon of that day to tell her that Lady Sabina would inherit the Duchy. All the servants present at that time are the witnesses when Lady Victoria lashed out from the announcement." 

The cunning Marquess Zoliel was circling Tori. Every time his eyes met hers, Marquess Zoliel would give Tori a mocking smile. As if he's telling her that, she already lost the game.

Aah, I want to cherish your smug-looking face, Marquess Zoliel before I replace it with utter despair.

Chaos erupted inside the courtroom. The audience had something to say from the information they heard. They all looked at Sabina with sympathy as someone who suffered greatly at the hands of her evil half-sister. They also looked at Tori with disdain without even giving the latter a chance to defend herself.

"Then to defend the accused, I call Crown Prince Yei Lin to present the case."

Just like what the Marquess did, the crown prince also walked toward Tori as Marquess Zoliel retreated to the victim's table. The crown prince walked with elegance and confidence that every lady in the audience counted every step that he made. His dashing long black hair sparkled like a midnight sky when highlighted by the candle chandeliers above them. His princely suit with the Ming Country's sigil looked so fit and sexy with his tall and slim stature.

Look at that man candy walking straight to me. What's with these boys doing with my hormones today, huh? Hello, I'm being trialed here, you know, but my tits are saluting as if America's national anthem is being played.

Amazing grace... Tori wanted to laugh like crazy as she sang the anthem in her mind while observing the cliché type of prince walking towards her like he was on some runway.

Well then, let's see what you got, Kpop prince.

"Let me ask you this, Marquess Zoliel. Where did the knights find the locket?"

From his seat, the Marquess answered. "They found it hidden in the vase that was gifted to Lady Victoria."

"And where is the vase located specifically, Marquess Zoliel?"

The Marquess answered again after pondering for some time. "According to the knight of Castaña Duchy that we interrogated, the vase was located two meters away from the do—or ..." The Marquess finally caught on with the series of questions from Crown Prince Yei Lin.

Smiling slyly at the Marquess' response, the crown prince continued. "I present you our very first witness, the knight who found the locket, Sir Zulrich Lerkenstein."

From the other door where all witnesses would enter, the knight who found the locket came in wearing his determined face. The young knight was wearing the Castaña Duchy's uniform, his dirty blonde hair and chocolate eyes welcomed the stares of the high society.

Crown Prince Yei Lin turned to the newly arrived knight. "Did you or did you not saw anyone inside the room of Lady Victoria Rozenreff?"

The gruff voice of Sir Zulrich immediately answered, "I only saw the sleeping Lady Victoria Rozenreff without any handmaidens and knights."

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