Hidden Feelings

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"YOU TOLD THE LEADER of the aristocratic faction that he won't be king without you? Now that's what they called confidence." Crown Prince Allistair's laughter boomed inside the Order's room which Crown Prince Yei Lin used as his office. Though it became more of their hideout inside Trifecta Academy just like what they were doing today.

Tori's plan to become their companion paid off. After a year, the two princes became more of her friend than mere colleagues. They also knew of her ambition to become Queen Regent. She told them almost anything except her past from another life and her being Benefactor T.

Glancing at the laughing Allistair who's sprawled on the sofa unethically, Tori raised her brows as a challenge. "Why? Do you plan to test my words right away? I would love to let you become my beta tester for my new plan." The infamous sweet voice made Allistair pale like paper.

"I-I am kidding, Tori. You know that Monakre's loyalty lies only with you. You are the only reason why my father did not declare war on the empire. We can only rest when you become Queen Regent."

Finally butting in with their conversation, the busy president of the Order spoke with his signature no-nonsense voice. "Before you aim to become Queen Regent you must win the Vesta challenge first. Then, you needed the winning candidate to crown you as Queen Regent which means he, who will become king, needs to either love you or trust you that he will choose to give you an equal power as him."

Aah, that word again.

"Love, huh," Tori uttered the hated word. Her tone seems lonely and far away since she was just reminiscing the times when she was still Talia who dared to dream about love. But for Tori, it was now like a faraway dream within a dream.

She was not able to see how the two princes stopped in their tracks when they saw for the first time a genuine feeling in her face and voice. And for them, she seems so fragile, a contrasting observation from the dangerous aura she usually gave off.

Prince Yei Lin spoke as his eyes never left hers. "You're already eligible for marriage. Are you perhaps in love with someone else, Lady Tori?"

Of course. In this era, women marry at an early age such as fifteen especially the ladies from high society. Technically, my mind is already legal to marry but Goddess Gaia! This body of mine is barely eighteen.

I will only offer this body to my chosen king though as of the moment he's rebelling against me. But he is my chosen and will stay my chosen king candidate. I just need him to need me and not own me.

I am Victoria Rozenreff, I do the owning.

Tori answered him flatly. "If I am not interested in the second prince anymore as my chosen one then prepare yourselves."

What Tori said was supposed to be a joke but the reaction she saw unfolding in front of her meant that the two did not take it as a joke. They took it as a threat. Crown Prince Allistair fell from the sofa he was sprawled on when he hurriedly looked at me. While Crown Prince Yei Lin spilled the ink into his work which became a mess.


"Get your idiotic heads off the gutter." Rolling her eyes, Tori served herself more tea. She just loved the effects of tea during the night. It always calmed her ringing head until she was lulled to sleep.

The door swiftly opened. Tori already knew who it was so she continued pouring the tea from the porcelain teapot. Before, she would have to guess who it was since there would be two people who would barge the office like that. But ever since the second prince started to follow Tessa like a lost puppy, he stopped coming to the Order's office.

"Duke Castaña," Crown Prince Yei Lin greeted the newly arrived person. The impolite Crown Prince Allistair just nodded his head to the Duke.

After setting the teapot, Tori finally greeted the newly arrived Duke with a smile. "It's been a while, Rowan."

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