Side Characters Will Rock This Series!

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Sabina just laughed shyly like it was just a joke, but the Marchioness was eyeing Sabina like a hawk. The possibility of foul play playing inside the Marchioness' petty mind and Tori couldn't ask for more.

The Marquess shifted the topic immediately after witnessing the Duke's frown. He was not angry about the honesty of Victoria, but he knew that the very thought of foul play which he desperately avoided would circulate in high society. Sabina's reputation would be tarnished, which would make it hard to find her a suitable groom in the future.

"I heard that the second prince, Prince Corean, will take the entrance exam. The two princes will now stay in the same environment."

The Duke nodded with a serious face, "Prince Corean will be of age by next year. It is a favorable time that he'll get the same education as Prince Lauren."

"He is just holed up at his northern palace. Surprisingly, he's willingly taking the exam without the aristocrat's push. What do you think, Lady Sabina, Lady Victoria?"

The Marquess included them in the topic for two things. First, to entertain the younger generation of Rozenref Dukedom, and second to see the potential of the heir candidates of Rozenref Duchy. After all, the Duke has yet to announce the official heir of the Rozenref Duchy, even if technically Victoria was the heir apparent since she's the legitimate daughter.

Sabina answered first. Tori was also curious about how would Sabina view the aristocratic faction since this wench would be the future enemy of the second prince and the aristocrats in the original plot. "I think that Prince Corean is now considering being a proper candidate for the throne."

Hmm, so your mind is still in use, huh?

"I agree with Sister Sabina. Especially that by next year he can take part in the Hunting of the Elysian Crown, he must be preparing for it."

The Marquess smiled at the both of them. "You're right–"

The Marquess stopped talking when Johanes hurriedly whispered something to the Duke, which made him flustered, "What? Who's here?"

"What? What happened?" Marchioness Susana was quite curious about who elicited that kind of reaction from the Duke.

The duke abruptly stood up, announcing the news that shook them all. "The two princes are waiting in their respective carriages. They wanted to escort you, Victoria."

"What?" Tori's weak façade cracked with the sudden crazy news.

Why are those two here? I am shaken by the very thought of my killer as the one escorting me, but the second prince is also here! What's happening with this plot?

"Let's go and greet them. Seeing that they're refusing to come down and greet us meant you are going now with them instead of later, Victoria." The Duke got both astonished and bothered by the sudden appearance of the two princes, especially when Victoria didn't show any hint of attraction toward the two. The Duke was wondering what the two princes were scheming. "Johanes, let Teresa fetch Victoria's belonging. Assemble the assigned knights for Victoria, they're going right now."

The five of them rushed towards the estate's entrance to greet the two Empire's stars. With the Duke and the Marquess leading them, Tori saw how Sabina stole glares toward her whenever the Marchioness was not looking. The walk towards the estate's entrance was quite stiff. It was partly because of the appearance of Prince Corean, who's not welcome in the Rozenreff Duchy. The two princes were above them, so they should pay their respects.

Two grand carriages surrounded by royal knights greeted their sight. Tori tried so hard not to show her confusion and wariness in the unwarranted situation thrust upon her.

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