The Greatest Scandal

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LADY M'S ATTEMPT TO come to her spot was stopped when the chancellor announced the arrival of the royal family. "Announcing the arrival of the royal family! May the blessings of the Goddess Gaia rain upon you!"

King Elphaim and Queen Aurina arrived with the two princes in tow arrived regally. The air of dominance whipped around them with equal grace. All of them showed respect to the highest authority in the empire.

The cast has finally arrived. It is such a shame that Duke Rowan Castaña is busy doing an errand with the two crown princes. I am damn sure that they will enjoy this party.

The aristocratic faction and noble factions flocked around the king and queen.

King Elphaim stood in front of them. "Innovations keep our glorious empire prosperous for many years. With the help of our magicians, the empire led the continent by having the most number of innovative discoveries. Today, I am glad that Duke Luwen Rozenreff found the greatest talent the empire has yet to see! Let me present you, Sir Oswald!"

The booming echoes of the clapping sound from the audience welcomed the smiling Oswald. Tori was as happy as him as she would witness great entertainment before the sun would set.

The old magician walked toward the king as he was being introduced to high society. Only time will tell, you will earn a house name dearest Oswald. And it is all thanks to me.

For a split second, Oswald found Tori's red eyes.

"Though he came from humble origins, he has proven himself useful for the empire. Thus, I would like to let Sir Oswald's benefactor decide on his new house name as we all welcome this magician to the high society!"

Another round of applause erupted while Duke Luwen Rozenreff stepped forward in front of Oswald to grant him a house name. "Starting today, you will be a member of high society. On behalf of the noble faction, I welcome you, Sir Oswald John."

Tori glanced at the members of the aristocratic faction and just like what she expected, they were all not happy that the noble faction got Oswald.

If they only knew who really owns the great magician.

Smiling around her, Tori met Prince Corean's serious-looking golden eyes while Tessa was just a step behind him.

So you really know your place huh, Tessa? But you still coveted my seat. Well, at least the original plot is with you so you can argue that I am the one coveting your beloved lover.

Tori smiled sweetly at the two which was received by the second prince with a cold look while Tessa only looked embarrassed.

You should be.

King Elphaim continued when the applause died down. "To demonstrate the use and samples of the KONON camera, let us have Sir Oswald and Duke Rozenreff showed their samples."

The gasps of excitement were evident for everyone, especially the ladies. The excitement doubled when the servants brought a painting-size frame covered with white silk. Each frame has two servants carrying it. There were a total of three frames that would reveal the samples of the KONON camera.

"Let us call Queen Aurina, Prince Lauren, and Prince Corean to take off the veil from the frames in one go," King Elphaim instructed. The three immediately stood by the side of each frame while holding the veil, ready to take it off at the king's command.

"I give you, the KONON camera!"

The moment the king signaled to the three to take the veils off was also the moment that Tori's cunning red eyes shone with pure malice. Tori had to bite her cheek just to stop herself from smiling the gasps of horror echoed continuously inside the grand assembly hall.

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