Mia's Fall

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Tori shook her head, "I want to have a very meaningful conversation with this person."

Rowan nodded with understanding dawning upon him, "Just call my name. I am just here at the door, my lady."

Tori nodded and went inside the metal door. The creaking noise of the metals crashing disturbed every criminal in the cells. Each criminal has one cell allocated to them. Tori didn't flinch from the protruded smell, nor did she stop when some criminal's arms tried to reach her. She kept on walking until she reached the holding cell for the criminals who were sentenced to die.

There were only two criminals inside this part of the prison cell. The one to her right where a kneeling and chained man was tied, and to her left where a haggard-looking Mia was curled up. The man heard Tori's arrival, unlike Mia. His bright blue-green eyes stared at her, and she didn't give a shit at all.

"What a sight. It seems that your beloved master abandoned you," Tori's mocking voice echoed in the prison cell.

Mia spun her gaze towards Tori, who already discarded her hood. "You pretentious bitch!"

Mia dashed to the bars and tried to grab Tori, but the latter just stayed still while watching Mia with contempt. Mia's flailing arms were only an inch away from Tori's face. Tori didn't miss the details that compared to the original Victoria, Mia still has her nails and tongue.

"You planned this all along, haven't you? Everything from the start was all your schemes!" Mia's glare never faltered as she tried her earnest to reach Tori, who was just grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"You have dug your own grave a long time ago, Mia. And trust me, what you experienced now was nothing to what happened to her."

"Lady Sabina will get me out of here and that time I'll expose to everyone how fake you are!"

Tori grinned like the devil from what Mia said. She took out her present for Mia, "You have a pretty little sister. She looked exactly like you. Tell me what should I do to her should her beloved sister irritate the pretentious ole me?"

Dread and anger flashed in Mia's eyes when she realized the gravity of what Tori's words meant. Tori enjoyed the mental torment she saw in Mia as the latter kneeled on the floor with a defeated cry. "Please, my sister is never part of this. She's innocent."

Ha! Innocent! Tori leaned towards the bar and crouched to level Mia. "Did you also think about that when you sentenced her to die?"

"What are you talking about? I did nothing! This was the first time I tried to kill you!" Frantic and doubtful eyes locked with flaring red eyes.

"Shush. Choose, Mia. Your beloved little sister or your beloved little master? Choose wisely. Time is ticking, dear."

Tears falling from her eyes, Mia looked at her and mirrored her answer to Tori's question. "What do you want me to do?"

Tori didn't know that she could grin wider. "I want your tongue and your nails as my trophy. Remove it using this." Tori showed the equipment to the frightened Mia.

Tears and sweat mixed, Mia finally submitted as she kneeled in front of Tori. "Please don't. I beg you, please. I am, I am sorry. Please spare me! Please!"

Did you beg like this, Victoria?

"You are so keen on keeping your tongue. Your sister has an uncanny resemblance to you." Tori turned to leave Mia.

"I'll do it! I'll do it just so please spare her!"

Tori wickedly smiled before turning back towards Mia, "Now do it."

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