Pitiful Victoria, Vengeful Tori

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EVERY SERVANT in the Rozenreff Duchy was frozen on their spot when the furious Duke Luwen Rozenreff slapped the newly arrived Tori. The discreet smirk of Sabrina did not go unnoticed by Tori and Lily but the eldest daughter of the Rozenreff Duchy did not even flinch from the sudden assault.

Furious red eyes met Tori's cold ones. "What are you plotting right now? You released the very person who tried to assault the queen! That criminal deserves to be punished along with her accomplice!"

Smiling cruelly, Tori replied with a mocking voice. "Accomplice? Do you mean the second prince? And what? Punish him by making him forfeit the crown? Hell will freeze over before that happens, father."

"You insolent brat!" The Duke raised his hand to strike her again but Sabrina's voice stopped him midway.

"Father, please stop! Sister Victoria will take responsibility should that commoner misbehave again, right sister?"

You want me to step down if Tessa creates a ruckus again? How absurd.

"Never forget. In the royal's eyes, especially the king, I save the queen. My seat in this estate is unshakable." Tori's right ear was still ringing from the slap she just received while her right cheek was numb from the sudden pain.

Without doing the curtsy, Tori passed by them without even a second glance. She was about to enter the estate's main door when she chose to stop. "By the way, with the stroke of luck I am alive, father. Sorry to disappoint you both."

Tori continued walking with Lily in tow. The original Victoria's life flashed inside her mind and Tori could not help but clenched her fist tightly.

"Lady Tori, I will prepare a cold compress for you." Lily immediately rushed as soon as they were inside the confines of Tori's room. All of her other handmaidens scurried to prepare her bath and her favorite tea. They all wanted to alleviate their mistress' pain even a little.

Tori did not bother to answer Lily. She just silently stared outside the window.

This estate becomes my reality slap, literally.

Aah, I am out of time. The plague will be coming. If only I can tie that rebellious prince to my hip just to stop his death. He's giving me a headache.

"Have some chamomile tea, Lady Tori. And here's some cold compress for your cheek."

Barely glancing at Lily, Tori smiled. "Just leave it there."

Lily hesitated but after witnessing what transpired earlier pushed her to follow what Tori wanted. The moment the door closed, darkness enveloped the room.

The darkness of the night outside matched the somber mood of Tori's room. The original Victoria's reflection mocked Tori. Carefully tracing the mirage before her, Tori's tears started to fall.

How did you survive eighteen years of this wretched plot, Victoria?

Why did you love that awful prince?

Why didn't you defend yourself?

Why did you love those who betrayed you until your bitter end?

Tori knew that it was the original Victoria's love still buried in the depth of her heart that stopped her from fully eliminating her father and half-sister. She could remember the first and last time that Tori met the soul of the original Victoria. The sadness and betrayal in her eyes were so strong.

Why can't this body obey me? If it is me, Duke Luwen Rozenreff along with Sabina Rozenreff would be long gone.

A sudden knock interrupted Tori's sentiments. Wiping her tears gently, Tori wore her favorite mask again, her sweet smile. "Come in."

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