Severed Fates

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"A-AHM, THIS WAY Lady Victoria." Poor Tessa was very nervous around her so Tori stopped prodding and she just listened as the commoner guide talked about the rules in the dormitory and the school.

"Noble students have a distinct set of rules with the common folks like me. The first rule, the ladies can't sleep together with the lords to uphold the honor and dignity of their noble houses. The second rule, the ladies can have their tea party inside the dormitory since there is an available greenhouse donated by the Duchess of Castaña Duchy. The third rule, classes will start at ten in the morning and will end at three in the afternoon. Fourth rule, the noble's curfew will be at exactly midnight, the same as the commoners. And last, there will be no fight allowed as long as you wear your robes, meaning no fights must happen inside Trifecta Academy."

Different sets of rules, huh? I wonder who the advantageous one is. I know how simple-minded nobles are, as long as their honor will be at the top of the chain.

The whole time they were walking, Tori was silently observing the interior of the noble's dormitory. And it was eerily quiet, but thankfully the hanging candle chandeliers littered the high ceiling of the dormitory's hall. A variety of flags from the different kingdoms surrounded the Eckrett Empire's flag decorated on the hallways' wall.

Different portraits of the royal family from different kingdoms littered every nook and cranny of the hallway up to the second floor.

"Tessa, can I ask if the nobles of the Ming country have already arrived?" Specifically, the Crown Prince.

Tessa looked at her for a brief moment. "Yes. Crown Prince Lei Yin and Prince Rei Yin arrived early in the morning, Lady Victoria. Other nobles from the other countries will arrive tomorrow, Lady Victoria." Though she answered Tori, the latter could see the wariness in her eyes.

Oh, the rumors about my benevolence have yet to reach you, huh? Very well.

Smiling charmingly, Tori grasped Tessa's hands gently. "Please don't take this the wrong way. I am just simply feeling lonely since today is the New Year. I want to spend the New Year with my family, especially my beloved sister, but I have to come here early to do my thing as the heir apparent of the Rozenreff Duchy." Sadness and loneliness laced Tori's voice. When she saw the sympathy in Tessa's eyes, a wicked gleam flashed in Tori's eyes.

"I understand. Just tell me what I can do to help you and I will gladly do so, Lady Victoria." Tessa, now feeling pity for Tori, grasped her hand back.

"Thank you so much, Tessa. If I am lonely, where can I find you?"

Tessa was about to decline her intention, but Tori gave her best sad look. Damn, I look like a puppy wishing to get adopted from a shelter.

"Just look for me at the Student Affairs Office, I am the student assistant there. I hope I can be of help to you."

The innocent smile of Tori fooled the young and just Tessa before she left Tori in front of her room. Tori waved her gloved hand to the retreating form of Tessa and when Tessa's figure could not be seen anymore, Tori's smile faded like it was never there in the first place.

"I never knew I will meet you here. Now everything makes sense from that part." The part where you are crying for Prince Corean's death in Season 2 of the Thorny Crown Series.

Going inside her lavish dormitory room, Tessa preoccupied with her thoughts that she did not see that her room was decorated like her room in the Rozenreff estate. Tori absentmindedly sat on her bed and pondered hard about Tessa's character.

Tori remembered the part where Tessa's character appeared in the Netflix Series. It was the last part of Season 1 where Tessa showed up. The second prince was secretly meeting her in Pivet Alley. Turns out, they're in a secret relationship.

So you are Prince Corean's love interest. Since the plot focused on the male and female lead, Tessa's character was not that detailed except because the second prince loved her dearly. He loved her to the point that he disregarded Queen Aurina's warnings. Her appearance before Prince Corean died was when she was leaving away from the capital. It left the second prince in despair, and the next time he showed up in the series was when he suffered and eventually died from the plague.

Since this follows the plot, should I intervene? Is his sudden death connected to Tessa? Why did she leave him in the original plot? But one thing is for sure, they fell in love while studying in this academy.

But things have changed now. Will he still love this Tessa when I take part in the Vesta challenge for him? Or I can use her to forfeit the Vesta challenge?

Tori knew that Sabina could find a way to join the Vesta challenge with the help of the Duchess. Whoever won the challenge would become queen. The Vesta challenge would be Sabina's countermeasure should Tori become the next heir to the Rozenreff Duchy. And if Sabina would take the throne, Tori would still have her head rolling on the plaza's floor.

I think I got a new enemy. Tessa, huh, how should I make you dance? Shall I make you dance until you die?

Walking straight to the gigantic mirror, Tori stared at her reflection. The looming darkness of the room highlighted her blazing red eyes. "I feel sorry for the second prince. He might become the king of this Empire, but the one sitting next to him will not be his destined one, it will be me."

THREE HOURS before the allotted time, Tori woke up without help from Lily. There was no bell available to ring if she wanted an assistant for preparing. But the situation was not of concern for Tori, who lived the life of Talia. Being alone like this would somehow make Tori reminisce about her past life where she had to do everything and where life was not so easy, so her mother had to work extra hard for the two of them. A ghost of a lonesome smile appeared for a split second before it vanished like it was never there at all.

Every time Tori saw her reflection it would make her remember her goal, and that was trashing the original story's plot. Tori steeled herself and put everything behind her just to achieve it. She left her mother's memories from her past life to the past, together with her conscience and emotions. Or so she thought.

"It is also quite convenient to live alone, huh? I remember the days." Where I had to impress the entire school to raise my social standing. Nothing much is different in this setting, though.

Glancing at the time from her pocket watch, Tori wore a pale peach off-shoulder outdoor dress with minimal frills and ribbons. She let her hair loose with only a ruby-decorated hairpin on the other side of her hair. Her shoes with the same color as her dress but with a golden design on them, and her royal blue robe stopped at her midsection with the Rozenreff insignia embroidered at the back. Tori twirled with a satisfying feeling when she watched herself in the mirror.

It is good to know that I haven't lost touch yet.

"So, where is that Tessa located again?" Tori walked out of her room. The moment she opened her door, she could feel that the noble's dormitory had more students compared to yesterday when she arrived. Her room was situated in the east wing wherein the ladies' rooms were located. The west wing was for the noblemen.

It will be great if I will bump into the crown prince of Ming Country, but such a cliché is scarce just because I asked for it.

Tori would use her newfound friendship with Tessa for two things. The first one would be to get access to Crown Prince Lai Yin to manipulate the situation with the Oolong Tea. She needed to get closer to him, even though getting his favor would be a real challenge since they widely knew him to be a distant royalty who disliked being disturbed. With his complex attitude, Tori needed to know him first before earning his favor. The second thing would be to discover what happened to the original plot in connection to Tessa and the second prince.

Tori must know if Tessa should be kept by her side or should be eliminated for good. After all, she could not afford to ruin her plan for some sick puppy love.

Tori's feet led her to Trifecta Academy's principal building. This building had the headmaster's office, the professors' office, and the classrooms. She bet that the Student Affairs Office was at the main building.

Now, where are the signboards or guideposts?

Looking everywhere for the telltale sign of the office where Tessa was supposed to be working, Tori bumped into someone when she spun her body back. "Holy — "

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