The Changing Plot

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His eyes were all-knowing like he was digging into her mind with the way he was looking at her. Since they did not offer Tori a seat, she remained standing. Oozing with grace and splendor, Tori clenched her teeth behind her regal smile.

Arrogant bastard!

"I won't beat around the bush then, your highness. I am here to offer you a deal." A pair of daring red-colored eyes met his wise raven ones. Hers was full of confidence, while he was clearly not amused.

Leaning to his chair, he looked at her from head to toe and the way he gazed at her would make anyone feel little but not Tori. Though she knew she was gambling on a piece of passing information from what she watched in the Netflix Series, she would use that to corner the prince. "I'll humor your bravery, Lady Rozenreff. What is this deal that you are offering me? What do you want from me? And why do you think that I will play in this nonsensical charade?"

Not batting an eyelash, Tori answered. "Give me full access to Oolong Tea from your country. In exchange, I will give you the one thing you wanted the most."

A few seconds after what she said, Prince Lei Yin showed genuine emotion in front of her. His cackling laugh resonated inside his office as if he was telling her that what she said was a good joke. His reaction struck a nerve in Tori, but she fought hard not to show any emotion. He was baiting her.

I won't let you, my Kpop prince.

"The rumors about your intelligence are quite doubting, Lady Rozenreff." His mocking smile never left his face.

Now he's thinking that I am some kind of lunatic. Ha!

Smiling slyly, Tori bashed his mocking smile. "I saw a guy who has bright blue-green eyes with platinum blonde hair. Ah, he also has the same age as you. But my mind can't recall where I saw him. Perhaps the reigns for the Oolong Tea will help, your highness."

Shock and hope shone from his eyes, ensuring Tori's victory in this game.

So the information I watched from Season 1 where the king of Ming country looking for that man is quite true. The king must be the crown prince in the future. I don't know why, but the slip he made showed that he has good intentions for that person. I saw hope; I am sure of it.

"Be careful with what you are saying, Lady Rozenreff."

Tori's turn to smile mockingly was a scene that the crown prince hated. "Trust me. I have heard that sentence already. I knew where that person is and with his condition, that person won't live to see the day if you take your own sweet time in deciding A from B. Now, what's it going to be?"

"I will ready the contract. I will come to you when it's ready but just be sure you are not lying. Do know that I won't take it lightly when someone's making a fool of me."

The gleam of her red eyes twinkled when he finally said the words she'd been waiting for.

"I know right."

I think I have to visit the capital's prison cell. It's a favorable time to meet the secondary villain of the Thorny Crown Series, Allaister Damon.

THE FAMILIAR eerie feeling of the prison cells welcomed Tori and Rowan's hooded forms. Their walks were sleek to avoid attention. The very same day when Tori offered the deal to Crown Prince Yei Lin, the latter immediately gave her the contract stating her authority to the Oolong Tea. She realized that what made her father, Duke Rozenreff, busy was that he was working with Marquess Zoliel to get that contract. The first prince was also in cahoots with the two from the noble faction to weaken the aristocratic faction before the Hunt for Elysian Crown.

Tori's gleaming ruby eyes were in complete contrast against the dark alley towards that one specific cell. Tori remembered those cerulean eyes when she visited to torment Mia. He was just in the other cell, watching them with hawk-like eyes.

Allistair Damon, his character throughout the Thorny Crown Series was a bit shady for Tori. He only appeared when necessary for the protagonists or antagonists. In Season 1, Allistair only appeared as the head of the assassination guild that was hired by the aristocratic faction to kill Sabina when the Duke of Rozenreff Duchy announced his support for Sabina and Prince Lauren's relationship.

The next time he showed up in the series, Prince Cory and the original Victoria already died in Season 2. He only appeared as the drug dealer hired by Sabina that was used to frame Victoria leading to the latter's death. He was only a side character until Season 4 when it was learned that he's a missing prince from the Kingdom of Monakre. They sold Allistair to a slave trader when the carriage that he was riding with his mother got mobbed together by Prince Yei Lin. The two of them were best of friends until that tragic incident that separated Prince Allistair. The guilt that Crown Prince Yei Lin suffered was strong enough to betray Prince Lauren.

If I get you under my feet, the future king of Ming Country and the future king of the Kingdom of Monakre will bow down to me. To prepare for war against the noble faction and the royal family, excluding Queen Aurina and Prince Corean, I needed something to corner them.

"My lady, you must not talk with him." The wary voice of Rowan made Tori realize the plot was slowly changing after all. This spring, you will become Rowan Castaña. Never forget who helped you get out of the wretched slums.

Before entering the cell for those who are waiting for a death sentence, Tori signaled Rowan to stay behind the door which earned her a disapproving look from him but Rowan did not oppose her, he never did.

The moment Tori stepped foot inside the dimly lighted cell, the smell of blood and piss was eerily familiar to her.

A long time ago, the original Victoria stayed inside this very cell for two weeks while waiting for her father to help her. A long time ago, the original Victoria waited and waited, only to get slapped by the truth that she was truly alone until the moment that she died. And a long time ago, Sabina and Lauren sealed their fate when they killed the original Victoria hopelessly.

"You're still alive." Those were the first words that Tori uttered upon witnessing Allistair Damon's state. His lean upper part of the body bathed with his blood oozing from the lashing wounds around his body. His redeeming qualities were his eyes which were unscathed from the torture he endured. Scars danced with his fresh wounds. It was a miracle that he was still alive.

His cerulean eyes were looking at her icily, but Tori was so fed up with those types of gazes from Prince Yei Lin and Prince Lauren that it did not faze her anymore. "You're a tough one. That much I can tell."

"You're the psycho chic who enjoyed watching a tongue being cut off." His voice was deep and raspy.

So you recognized me, even with my tattered coat. This only means that no one has taken an interest in you yet. But I know that a noble from the noble faction took you in and used you later on from the original plot. Who is that noble? The first prince? Duke Rozenreff? Marquess Zoliel?

But I don't care, finders keepers.

Not minding that Allistair was not chained to the wall and was just sitting at the corner, Tori leaned toward the prison bars as she clutched the cold steel. "And here I thought that you quite enjoyed the show."

For the second time, their eyes met. His emotionless eyes met her wicked ones. "What's your deal, lady?"

"Can't I just enjoy a pretty face?"

"I can tell that you enjoy something bloodier, lady. But well, I am a tad bit bloody and I got the looks that most noblewomen love." He suggested she was interested to do something with him, which made Tori's laugh boom.

"Trust me. I will need you, but not as much as you need me. After all, tomorrow is your judgment day, my dearest Allistair."

"Tell me about it," he replied to her when she finally turned to leave. But before she could step out of the place, Tori stopped to look back at him. "By the way, Prince Yei Lin sends his regards to you. Poor Kpop prince, he's been going loco finding you. I tell you, he was like finding Dory when he looked for you. He even made a deal with the devil."

"Who are you?"

Her red eyes were the answer he got from her before the loud thud of a closing door resonated with his version of hell.

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