The Incompetent Father

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IN TORI'S PAST LIFE, she had a knack for copying signatures. She didn't expect that she'd get to use her hobby in her new life.

"I swear, Your Grace. I didn't know. I only add the spinach because of Lady Sabina's order."

Show them. Destroy her last defense.

"Sabina?" The Duke's voice faltered like he didn't want to believe that his favored daughter was behind, the heir apparent, Victoria's suffering.

Tori could hear audible gasps from different people inside the room. She bet they came from the servants.

"Give me that," The Duke's voice was gruff. He certainly meant the small piece of parchment from the chef.

"Here it is, Your Grace."

The Duke didn't need to affirm if the parchment came from Sabina since everyone heard her earlier when she told Tori that she prepared it for her entrance exam.

Aah. I can only imagine the faces of those three. This is the downside of my plan. Is that wench close to lashing out? Poke her more than everyone, remember I almost died.

"Sabina, can you explain this?" The Duke was torn between his love for his favored child and the guilt he had for his injured heir.

"I—I didn't know! I swear, father!" Sabina's voice was cracking. She's finally using her crocodile tears.

Hah! So you're using that now, huh? Well, you bring out the competitive side of me, sister.

Tori acted like she was in deep pain while gaining consciousness. She acted as if she was catching her breath. "Father, please. Please stop the pain!" Tori sobbed while her eyes were half-open.

"Lady Tori!"

"Lady Victoria!"


Tori's father immediately cradled her upper body and supported her. She was now leaning on her father's sturdy body. "Do something, doctor!"

"I have already administered a hefty amount of medicine to Lady Victoria, Your Grace. If I added more, it could burden her body more. I am sorry, but the young lady must endure the pain." Tori's act also fooled the doctor. But because of her acting stint, she was able to partially open her to meet Sabina's frantic eyes.

The pain from earlier is worth it. Just a small nudge and she'll lash out. I can't wait.

Tori sobbed on the Duke's chest but she slightly glanced at Sabina. An exchange between the two took place when Sabina glared at her, which was answered by Tori's smug grin. Tori's ruby eyes taunted her half-sister with mischief.

"Your sister didn't mean to cause you this." The Duke's voice was soft, but doubt laced upon it.

So in the end, you still sided with her, huh? I guess it was the right decision for me to take a precautionary measure in case you reacted like this.

The captain of the Rozenreff knights arrived, a bit late considering the Duke called for them earlier.

And it is because of me.

She made Lily pick up the poison bottle after Mia used it. Lily, later on, placed the poison bottle inside Mia's things. When she collapsed, after administering the medicine to Tori, Lily then came to seek the captain of the Rozenreff Knights to give him the order to investigate the entire estate.

"Your Grace, we found something in the servant's quarters. There is a poison's bottle being kept."

Tori knew the Duke would dismiss them to protect Sabina, "Investigate all the dishes on that table. They almost killed me inside my home, I must set an example." Tori interrupted the Duke from speaking.

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