Sabina's Loving Father

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A DAY BEFORE the much-awaited entrance academy; Duke Luwen Rozenreff called for her. Tori was fresh from her covert meeting with the aristocratic faction when Johanes knocked on her room's door. Together with Lily, she walked the long path toward her father's office. A standing Johanes welcomed them who were waiting for her.

"Lady Victoria, the servants of the mansion have missed you. Teresa and the kitchen servants prepared all your favorite dishes."

So, the servants even Johanes aren't aware of the secret meetings going on in this estate? Or Johanes chose not to side with me? Either way, I pray to Gaia that you are not aware of this Johanes because I can't guarantee your safety when you chose to betray me.

Smiling sweetly, Tori replied with equal fervor. "Oh, really? I am so famished by hearing this, Johanes. By the way, what do you think Father wants to talk with me?"

Tori's calculating eyes scanned Johanes before her. A wave of disappointment washed over her when she saw the telltale sign of betrayal from him. His one-second rigidity gave him away.

I thought so.

Still smiling politely at her, Johanes knocked on the Duke's office. "A father can miss his daughter, Lady Victoria. I think that is the case on this summons."

"Let her in," Duke Luwen Rozenreff answered. Tori just nodded with a sweet smile to Johanes, but as soon as she turned her back on him, her smile vanished like it was never there at all. Since it was still a few hours before dinner, the light from the open window welcomed Tori the moment she stepped foot inside her father's office. His looming figure stood near the window while his back was to her. He was just looking outside.

"You called for me, Father?"

Upon hearing her voice, the Duke finally acknowledged her presence by turning to her. The shadows beneath his eyes were the clear evidence that she was victorious in the game they played with the Oolong Tea trends.

The wreckage of Tori's action was the clear reason for the Duke's worn-out expression, an indication that Tori was victorious in this round.

As of now, the aristocratic faction dominated the trading of this well-liked tea across the empire and the other countries as well. The aristocratic faction was gaining the power she wanted to support the second prince. Her ten percent profit share helped Tori as Benefactor T by providing the necessary money to support the KONON production and its future marketing expenditure.

Glancing at her father, she could practically hear the headmaster's voice ringing in her ears. Realizing that the man before her already decided to abandon her made Tori want to lash out but couldn't. The looming scene of the original Victoria's head rolling over the ground was like a terrible reminder for her not to lose her cool.

I want to know how much you know about me and how much you regarded me, Father dearest.

"Take a seat. I have something to tell you." He took the seat next to hers. Sitting elegantly, she took the liberty to drink the readied tea in front of her. She simply hoped it was chamomile tea.

Sipping the tea elegantly, Tori waited for what she would hear from him.

"Victoria, you are my eldest. I and your mother loved you so much. You grew up with everything from love, respect, and wealth. But Sabina came with nothing but terrible memories from her past." Duke Luwen Rozenreff could not even look straight at her. Her uncanny resemblance to her mother saved her eyes was maybe making him feel guilty.

Shit. He started it immediately! The plot is progressing so much more than I expected!

"Is my seat as the heir apparent being threatened, Father?" Shocked was clearly written on her face with her cracking voice. His identical red eyes met her teary ones. "Do you hate me that much? Do you hate the fact that I resembled mom so much that you chose to hurt me? Am I not enough?"

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